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fastest way of linking and search box when linking

2 replies [Last post]
Ahmet Tuter
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i have two questions about linking.. assume you have a very large schedule.


1) what is the fastest way of finding related activities and link them? lets say you have a schedule of thousands of activities and you wanted to link two activities that are very far from each other in the activity list. how can you quickly find the related activity?


2) when you click on successor or predecessor cell, a search box and a list of all activities come up. in the search box when you type something it only brings the words that match with the first word of activities . is it possible to make that search to search in the whole text of the activity name? it would make the finding the activity much faster. for example, lets say, i have the activity called "fireproof stee lbeams". and i want to assign "install steel studs" as a successor. but when i search as "stud" this does not bring the second activity. the second activity comes up only if i typed "install", which is not very useful as many other activites start with "install" also comes up with that search. so it brings up only the match for first word... but doesnt search in the whole text.


Tim Neobard
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As Zoltan says for 1.) - it's easier if you know the activity ID or the whole name of the activity (assuming no duplicates)

2.) If I understand correctly, you're using the stock Primavera search bar in the predecessor/successor pop up - you can again use the activity ID or the activity title (spelt correctly, don't think uppercase/lowercase matter). 

Use Ctrl+F instead and type in whatever it is you want to search for.  It won't reduce the activity list, merely jump to the activity you want to look for (or alternatively some you don't - but you can always "find next").  Some customisations of the layout such as activity id, activity name, start/finish can be added and the ctrl+f will search all those fields (from memory) inc WBS.

You can still use Ctrl+F to search in most pop up boxes, it's just not listed as a function button you can click.

Zoltan Palffy
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1. if you know the activity id number then control-f

2. no