The client wants us to prepare the manhours that we will use, by month and by disicipline, for the rest of the project(planned end date is November of this year).
Right now, the manhours are approved only until end of May and the schedule is properly developed until end of May as well. The remaining portion was deferred due to management decision. There are manhours for this remaining portion but there is no any detailed plan or schedule to support the development of a resource profile for this remaining portion that will go from June to November.
What would be the fastest way to prepare a resource profile in P6 under these circumstances? I am thinking in creating Level of Effort type of activities in P6, assign the manhours that are remaining, for both the scope that goes until May, plus whatever was assigned to the portion that was deferred and that goes from June to November). This would be a high level solution since we don't have a detailed schedule or plan that supports a proper development of a resource profile in P6. Any ideas or inputs would be greatly appreciated.