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Showing Near-critical Activities in Primavera P6

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Emily Foster
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Here's some quick tips on how to show near critical activities in Primavera P6


With limited resources P6 does not calculate floats correctly. So both critical and near critical activities may be wrong if to apply recommended filters.

Stephen Devaux
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Hi, Emily.

Information about near-critical tasks is certainly relevant, and it's good that Primavera makes it easy to get those data. But surely what's more important is near-NON-critical tasks? :-) In other words, tasks that ARE critical and therefore adding time to the project duration, but that we might be able to remove from the CP (and thus compress the project schedule) by shortening them or otherwise performing them differently?

The measurement of the amount a critical path activity needs to be shortened in order to become non-critical is of course critical path drag, and it's more important (more "critical"?) and much more costly than float. Unfortunately Primavera still doesn't compute it. If you have the ear of someone at Primavera, you might suggest to them that they start including such basic functionality. Have them contact me if they're not sure how to write the algorithm.

Fraternally in project management,

Steve the Bajan