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Material Resources Resetting to zero

2 replies [Last post]
Andrew Pearce
User offline. Last seen 1 year 37 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 11 Jun 2001
Posts: 175
I have just started on a project in Finland where we are cost loading the schedule.I am working with P6 Professional R8.2 Release 8.2.1 The problem we are having is that after loading all the costs, as soon as we try to update progress on an activity, and make any change to an activity date/duration all the costs (budgeted, actual,remaining & at Complete) associated with that activity reset to zero.Have you had any experience of such a problem or any idea how to resolve it?Any assistance would be appreciated.Kind regardsAndy Pearce


Arnold Puy
User offline. Last seen 9 years 34 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 1147

Hi Andrew,

The main reason is your price/unit is equal to zero. If you using resources with quantity it will multiply the qauntity through price/unit. However, if you will just enter the Budgeted Cost manually without considering the resources assigned then you will get the zero value cost as shown below: My example shows the as Labor resource type, the same will applied to Materials.














The other option is to make use of Project Expenses instead.



Raymund de Laza
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Posts: 762


The issue is related to your settings in "Duration Type".

Cost will not change if Budgeted Units or Remaining Units and Price/Unit are not affected whenever you make changes in duration of an activity.

