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Progress Display on bars

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Rajeev Kumar
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Is there a way I can show the physical progress % on the bar?. I have a baseline schedule and I dont want to update it, but I just want to show the physical percent complete in some graphical way on the activity bar, either a shade or a line on top of the bar. Say for example, an activity of duration 10 days(from 1Jan06 to 10Jan06 is 30% complete, I just want to show a bar of 1Jan06 to 10Jan06, with shade or colour from 1Jan06 to 3Jan06, irrespective of whenever the start date was or remaining duration will be.

I know it sounds a bit weird, but my boss it needs it that way.



Raymund de Laza
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User offline. Last seen 3 years 11 weeks ago. Offline

how can i show it? can you please tell me the steps?

Rajeev Kumar
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Thanks Joanne,

I figured it out using Calculated fields and barchart preferences. Some features are really amazing in OPP.

Joanne Foster
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yes there is...but it involves creating calculated fields and is a bit complex to explain. Perhaps contact Welcom and see if they can provide you some information on it.
