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Different Working Hours

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Vignesh S
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I have a schedule in which I am using 2 different calendars. One for Design activity which is 6DX8hrs working and the other is construction whihc is 7X22hrs working. Since, construction activities domiated design, I have considered default working hrs as 22hrs & 7 days in a week as working. I have assigned the task calendar according to the nature of activity viz-a-viz design or construction.

Now, the issue I am facing is if I make the duration of design (with 6DX8hrs design calndar assigned to it) activity say for example as 1 day, MSP considers as 3 days i.e., equivalent of 22 hrs per day by default. If my start date is 01st October, my finish date should be 01st October  as duration is 1 day, but I am getting the finish date as 3rd October.

Kindly anybody explain how to resolve this.


Jerome Odeh
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Review this blog post to see if it works for you.



Vignesh S
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I understand that your suggestion works good with multiple working periods. But, I am interested to know is there any method to assign 2 different working hours like we assign multiple calendars?


Jerome Odeh
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My suggestion works with multiple working periods.

Enter your durations in hours and use a Custom Field to display durations in days. Hide the "duration in hours" column before issuing your schedule.


Vignesh S
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Thanks for the suggestion. Your suggestion sounds good and it can be implemented as a temporary solution. But, I am interested to know whether is there any option available in reality to have multiple working periods in a project like multiple calendars?

Jerome Odeh
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Posts: 102


Go to File > Options > Schedule and review your default calendar options for the project.

Most likely you will find that Hours per day is 24 hrs, therefore when you enter duration of 1 day, MSP translates it to 24 hrs and based on the activity calendar of 8 working hrs, this 24 hrs is spread over 3 days hence 3rd October finish.

Instead of entering 1 day as activity duration, try 8 hrs and your activity should finish on 1st October. When using multiple calendars for activities you might want to consider keeping your durations in hours and use a custom field to display duration in days based on the activity calendar.

