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Optimizing Schedules in Microsoft Project 2013 using Finish-to-Finish Relationships

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Emily Foster
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Here's an article that discusses how to optimize schedules in Microsoft Project 2013 using Finish-to-Finish Relationships


Stephen Devaux
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Hi, Emily.

"You are, of course, quite right and we have made the corrections and updated the screen shots."

Thank goodness I have never made a mistake in my life! Magnus Carlsen, on the other hand, with about a billion people watching the World Championship, just made a blunder that most rank amateur chessplayers would have avoided. What an idiot he must feel like! Except that his opponent, the great former champion Vishy Anand, also blundered by overlooking the opportunity and Magnus won the game anyway!

I do strongly urge you (and Magnus! And Vishy!) to be more like me and to acquire infallibility. (Well, except for that one time... oh, and that one... and maybe that... Oh wait, that was the time I thought I was wrong but that I turned out to be right after all!)  

This is a tough crowd in here. The vast majority of people would not know enough about the topic to recognize that you made a little error.

You too have a great weekend.

Fraternally in project management,

Steve the Bajan

Emily, people become used to the low quality of materials that you publish. Please check them before the publication.

By the way ALAP works different way in MSP, so Mike's proposal is not correct.

In any case do not call these workarounds optimization. This word has different meaning.



Emily Foster
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Hi Mike,

Well spotted, we were wondering who would find those errors first :-)

You are, of course, quite right and we have made the corrections and updated the screen shots. Thanks and have a great weekend.



Mike Testro
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Hi Emily

A few problems apart from the fact that linear projects are best set in Time / Distance software.

Microsoft Project was better when FF links were not allowed.

The insulation task has no predecessor so will not show critical.

The same scenario can be created using only FS links and an ALAP on the insulation.

A minor quible curing lead lags have to be set on a 24/7 calendar.

Best regards

Mike Testro