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assigning resource to milestone activity

4 replies [Last post]
moutaz aldeib
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Dear Planners,

I am user of Primavera, but the company I am working with is using MS Project 2010, the concepts are mainly the same with different views, but I well know that in Primavera you can not assign resourse or cost to the activity, however in MS project I think you can?




Jerome Odeh
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I agree with Mike, what's the point of assigning resources to a milestone?

Assign your resources or cost to the activities that would make you achieve the milestone.



Evgeny Z.
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In MS Project you can have 3 types of resources:

  • Work
  • Material
  • Cost

All 3 of them can be assigned to a milestone, however only Material and Cost may influence the cost of the milestone for obvouse reasons.



Rafael Davila
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Cash from payment receipts become available on an instant or zero duration task. it is not that if you receive 800,000 Euros you cannot make immediate transfers/payments of the whole amount.

You might also want to schedule the activity based on meeting resource calendars.

Mike Testro
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Hi Moutaz

Since a milestone has zero duration any cost assigned to it would register zero.

So what is the point of trying?

Best regards

Mike Testro