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Resources By Labour Group

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Moses Otito
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How do I extract information from MS Project 07 Pro on resources by labour group from a schedule for the duration of my project?


Ellen Lehnert, Mi...
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If the Labor group was entered into the group fiield on the resource sheet for the resources that field is populated on the task information when an assignemtn is made.  The field is called Resource Group.  Open the file and save as Excel type.  You will then start the export wizard.  Select that the data should come from Taskand that the exported file should have headers.  Then pick the field names that you would like to export.  If you select the start and finsih date that will be the dates the and end dates for the tasks.  As long as you add the resource group you should be able to group the data in Excel.  This same data could also be grouped in Project using the grouping for the Resource group field.

I hope this helps.