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Can MSP calculate Total slack / criticality arising from SS relationships?

5 replies [Last post]
Gary Whitehead
User offline. Last seen 5 years 32 weeks ago. Offline

I'm reviewing an MSP programme for a colleague. He is concerned that he can't see a critical path running through the project schedule.

The "critical" filter shows the back end of the path, but not any activities upstream of a critical SS + lag relationship

I think this is because MSP is calulcating total slack (aka float) as finish slack, rather than finish or start slack, whichever is lower.

Is there a setting I can change, so that it will take start slack into account for criticality?


Obviously, I can suggest that he replaces the Start lag with an activity, and link them with FS to get around the problem, but I also want to give him the option of a settings solution, if one exists.


The project was created in MSP 2010, but I am using MSP 2003 to review it.


Thanks in advance,




Rafael Davila
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I believe MSP calculates a Start Slack field, try filtering activities with Start Slack </= 0 and/or Total Slack </= 0.

If it works maybe you can edit your bars to show criticality. Try with scarlet bar color to identify critical activities because of start slack while red for finish slack or start&finish criticality.

Keep in mind I do not have MSP so I am not able to try how it works.

Good luck.

Gary Whitehead
User offline. Last seen 5 years 32 weeks ago. Offline

Mike / DS Chan: Thanks for the advice. Setting the activity with SS+lag successor to ALAP, or adding an FF+lag relationship to force the criticality does indeed fix the problem (though at the cost of adding a constraint or relationship to the schedule which may or may not be true), but I am looking for a solution that does not involve making any changes to the activities -only to the way MSP calulates the float.

Trevor: Thanks for the offer of help -I've sent you the file





DS Chan
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Hi Gary,

''SS + lag relationship'' is not a good pratice for programming, it consists of a open end for the predecessor activity. If use of ''SS + lag relationship'' as logic link, ''FF + lag relationship''  should also be applied for close the path. Please try and see the result.

Best Regards,

DS Chan


    Trevor Rabey
    User offline. Last seen 2 years 7 weeks ago. Offline
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    Happy to discuss it if I can see it.

    send it to me:

    Mike Testro
    User offline. Last seen 6 weeks 6 days ago. Offline
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    Hi Gary

    Try setting all the tasks to ALAP.

    Best regards

    Mike Testro