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MS Project Add-in for Project Portfolio Analysis and Reporting

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Mark VanDyne
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I am looking for a solution that provides multi-project  analysis and reportiing capabilities using Microsoft Project Server 2007 data files, similar to what is available in Primavera.  This involves opening multiple projects, up to and including the entire portfolio (currently between 20-30 projects, and 20K to 30K total number of tasks) and performing analysis based in selected critieria, based on changing business needs.  For instance, reviewing Mechancial Engineering tasks for all projects, analyzing projects assigned to a specific Project Manager or evaluating the impact of future (i.e. potential work) on the portfolio.  Is anyone aware of and/or has experience with an Add-in appication for MS Project that would accomplish provide this functionality?


Tekin Guvercin
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Hi Mark, <?xml:namespace prefix = o />

You can use ASTA Powerproject for multi-project analysis and reporting. ASTA integrated with Microsoft Project and Primavera out of box. Any MSP and Primavera files can open without any issue. There is no data lost and 100% of Time, Cost, and Resource information without any impact will be open in ASTA.

ASTA give user opportunity for opening as many as project at the same time. You can even create cross-project relation between your projects. The good news is even your make change in ASTA due to result of your analyst, add new relation, cost, resource after that you can save the project in Microsoft Format and bring all changes in your MSP file.

When you add your all project in ASTA from MSP. As I mention you create cross project relation, tract your project. Inside of ASTA there is a great analyst options. By histogram you can get any kind of progress, cash follow, resource allocation and capacity planning in resource. Even you can give your projects priority and by resource leveling you can optimize your resources. Considering ASTA has very strong Resource Modeling. It will also help you very advance analyst your project schedule quality and possibility of realistic program.

I don’t know your project but using LOB (Line of Balance) Technique you can find all logic mistakes very easily.

Inside of ASTA you can also put uncertainty % and get pessimistic, optimistic and most likely program. You will get P90, P80… scenarios and create as a Baseline and see your most likely schedule with probabilistic program. Duration, cost and income sensitivity will give you extra hint out of CPM. Critical Index report also gives you a idea during your project life cycle if your Critical Path change which activities are going to be on Critical path.

ASTA will give you inside variety of analyst option. Project Comparison will let you changes and this is really nice to have for claim. EVM, Critical Change will also strength your schedule.

ASTA also give you free BI Functionality and Free Read Only option for your customers will get from you file or link and monitor your analyst.

If your 20-30 projects are in different location by out of box ASTA you can report your project portfolio from Google earth by using GIS module.

There is also free IPAD module which allows mobile user getting BI report. Please watch following link.

Inside ASTA you can right formula, setup KPI and create also macro if you have very specific analyst need and by this way you can earn a lot of time to find what you want.

There are more and more, I advise you contact with and ask 1-2-1 demo for direct your need.

ASTA is very simple and price is level of Add-in which you expect.


Ron Beechey
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Can you share the report that you are using

Mike Fenton
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this can be done easily using a master project with sub-projects. currently I have a master project with over 350 sub-projects and upwards of 10,000 activities working well. I use groups and then filter on these groups to show various reports, including one for each Project Manager>project>deliverable which is close to your requirement. I've enhanced this by customising a menu so the user only has to select drop-downs to view each report. No Add-in needed.

Mike Fenton
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this can be done easily using a master project with sub-projects. currently I have a master project with over 350 sub-projects and upwards of 10,000 activities working well. I use groups and then filter on these groups to show various reports, including one for each Project Manager>project>deliverable which is close to your requirement. I've enhanced this by customising a menu so the user only has to select drop-downs to view each report. No Add-in needed.