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MS Project 2010 Tutorial

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NiRViL Bomal
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Microsoft Project -MSP- is a project management software developed by Microsoft. MSP is designed to help project managers in developing plans, tracking progress, managing the budget, assigning resources to tasks and analyzing workloads . MS Project and MSP server are the cornerstones of the Microsoft Office Enterprise Project Management product.

If you are an expert in project management with many years of experience, just started your career or even a student at college, this Microsoft project tutorial will teach you -step by step- all you need to deliver projects professionally using this powerfull application. Furthermore, watching these videos will help you to pass Microsoft MOS 77-178 certification.

Why Microsoft project 2010 ?

MSP 2010 is equipped with some fresh features which are not there before. These fresh features were added for the project in order to offer users a wide range of ways to enhance their managing skills, schedules and regular projects. Despite the fact that MS project 2010 is influenced by the previous projects and it has still some features of the previous versions, you will still require to get familiar with the new features added for this one. This will also help you in maximizing the services that MS project 2010 can offer. Online, you can also find several tutorials based on MS project 2010. These tutorials are offering great details about the new versions and helping users to make the most of this fresh project announced by Microsoft. So, before you opt for it, you should have some ideas about what sort of features it carries.

Microsoft Project tutorial (MS Project 2010 tutorial) course outline:

Chapter 1: A brief about Project Management Concepts

1.1 Understand Project Management Concepts
1.2 Understanding the requirements
1.3 Importance of Archiving Information

Lesson 1.1 in Microsoft Project Tutorial and you will learn to:
Understand Project Management Concepts (On youtube):

MS Project 2010 Tutorial


Leonard Esber
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How many columns available in MS Project 2010?

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can any body get me any pdf form of msp 2010 tutorial???? contact me at

NiRViL Bomal
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