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Working Dates Back in Project 2003

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Mark Laker
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This may be a basic question, but I want to design a plan that works back from a given delivery date. I've discovered I can enter predecessors with a minus number of days, but it doesn't appear to work the dates back consistently. Ideas?


Ismet Kocaman
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You're welcome.


Rafael Davila
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The procedure of assigning ALAP constraint is no good as it will make all activities critical.

In MS Project Schedule from Finish Date shall do it, just be careful with date constraints.

If your software do not provide for a backward computation that keeps finish date fixed and display float then try fixing the project finish date to your target date. Perform a schedule run and find the Early and Late dates for Start milestone. If you are performing resource leveling remember to perform the constrained schedule using the resource leveling option. Then delete finish constraint and set DD to the Early Start of the Start Milestone you just got if the target date was moved backwards or use Late Start if project target finish was moved forward.

Even when my software provides backward computation functionality out of the box I have never been in need to use this functionality on a real schedule with intermediate date constraints. It would be interesting to see how intermediate date constraints perform as this can create some issues if you do not move them back or forward as target finish date is moved back or forward. Suggest using some logic as to keep intermediate milestone dates in control.

Gary Whitehead
User offline. Last seen 5 years 35 weeks ago. Offline

Thinking about it, another and probably better option would be to display the bar & columns for your late dates rather than making everything ALAP.


This gives you the option of applying other constraints to activities if required, and means you don't loose the early dates which may still be handy to know.

Mark Laker
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Thanks Gary, I'm going to use this method on another project I've got coming up soon - cheers.


Mark Laker
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Thanks Ismet, this worked a treat. I appreciate your help.


Ismet Kocaman
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Planning from the Finish date is the most practical way to do backward scheduling. Project will automatically set all the new tasks with default constraint As Late As Possible (ALAP). You can set backward scheduling as follows: Project menu | Project Information... command > Project Information for ... Dialog Box | Schedule from: <select Project Finish Date> | OK

Gary Whitehead
User offline. Last seen 5 years 35 weeks ago. Offline

Create your schedule as normal, constrain your given delivery date, and set all other tasks as ALAP.