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Roll Up Resource Names

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Neil Gartland
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Is it possible within the Resource Names column, to roll up resource names to summary tasks so that if three resources had been used on different tasks in a group, these three names would be displayed on the summary line in the resouce names column.

I know it is possible to access this information through other views but want to know if it is possible to customise this view?

Any assistance appreciated



Rafael Davila
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Format the bar chart portion of a Gantt view:

Go to Display task names for individual .......

Have some issues with overlapping tasks, unless can be fully resolved I would avoid using this at all.

Roll up resources

Hope this helps.

R. Davila
Neil Gartland
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Thanks Alexandre, good point about rolling up to the Resource Names column, do you know where I might find an example of a macro that would do this please?
