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Resource Overallocation/Fixed Work Query

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Neil Gartland
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I have 3 tasks in a project each consisting of 20h work, set to be fixed work scheduled over a 5 day duration starting and finishing at the same time. All three tasks are allocated to the same resource, so MS Project allocates 50% of the user’s time to each task by default. The means that the resource is 150% allocated.

Is there any way to automatically resolve this resource over allocation in this case by MS Project reducing the % allocation to 33% and extending the duration of the task.
Any help would be really appreciated


it is possible but not with Microsoft Project.
Best Regards,
Neil Gartland
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Many thanks for all your comments and responses, Alexandre is correct if there are 3 tasks the effort would be levelled equally between the tasks i.e. 3- 33%, 4 - 25%, 5 - 20% etc

I did not think this was possible as there are too many variables and potential solutions but I very much appreciate all of you taking the time to assist me with this

Many thanks

Rafael Davila
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Spider is another thing, Spider is my software of choice. If Neil want to do what you are saying then MS Project cannot do it. I missunderstood his question "by MS Project reducing the % allocation", is also about adjusting resource assignments automatically.

Any excuse to get better at Spider as well as MS Project is good. I will take a look at it in detail as I knew of this option in Spider Project but not in MS Project. It is also good to know what your software can do and what cannot do, comparison of functionalities is part of what makes this place great.

I will check it with a 100% initial workload and minimal 33% at some activities and minimal 50% at other activities to see what happens. I assume/expect the algorithm will be looking for allocations that will yield minimum project duration within these constraints.

Best regards,
Neil wanted MS Project to adjust resource assignments automatically. It is too hard to find and correct the problems manually in the real projects.
You can try this in Spider Project:
Create 3 activities, assign the same resource, check variable resource workload check box in the assignment dialog, set resource workload 50% and minimal resource workload 33% (to avoid 1% workload that you mentioned) for all assignments.
Set resource productivities as 1 unit/per hour, select activity types Productivity.
In the levelling options uncheck Minimize parallel activities and look at the result.
Then compare with the schedule created with Minimize parallel activities box checked.
Best Regards,
Rafael Davila
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Why not a hundred tasks at 1%?

Only Neil’s can answer. I understood he just wanted to set the activity to automatically change durations as he changed percent assigment, in this way he would be able to try several scenarios when changing % assigments, at times resource leveling might delay an activity at times might not.

He still can assign another 33% of the resource to another activity. Resource leveling will tell you if delaying resource or not as demand might be shifted by logic.

Rafael Davila
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Just change the resource unit % and the duration will change. Then after resource leveling resource overallocation will be solved as requested.

Percentages will not be reassigned automatically, this you must decide. Would it make sense a 1% assigment if the software wishes to do so?
Rafael Davila
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33% resource

Also at the Resource Leveling dialog box: Level only within available slack (Prevents the finish date of your project from being delayed.) Make sure it is unchecked, otherwise over allocation might occur if assigned other 33% to a fourth activity.
Hi Neil,
MS Project cannot do this and you will get different assumptions why.
If you need this and other advanced resource management functions look at Spider Project.
Best Regards,
Neil Gartland
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I am well aware of the range of possible/feasible solutions, the reason for my query is to see if anyone creative has found a simple way of addressing this situation that I may be missing, surely the point of forums such as these??
Trevor Rabey
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There are many different solutions to the over-allocation, all of which are feasible, so how can MSP know which one you prefer?

You cannot expect MSP to make all of the decisions and assumptions that the human can make, and gets paid to make.