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s-curve in ms project

4 replies [Last post]
Ammar Samad
User offline. Last seen 4 years 44 weeks ago. Offline
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Good day

hi my fellow planners,

One query here, I have put on all input i.e.resources, work & cost in ms project schedule and intend to derived an s-curve based on ’works’. my question is how to produce s-curve for early & late completion. I’ve tryed use "analyze timescaled data in excel" but the result shows early completion data tabulation only. FYI i am using ms project 2003. any one have an idea?

TQ & best regards.


mohd fakry
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For me to create any s-curve for any type data, I will always use either the Task Usage View / Resource Usage View. I find it really helpful as we can choose which data to show either cost, resource or work. And what I’ll do after that is just simply copy and past into excel and further customize into chart. I hope this will help.

Ammar Samad
User offline. Last seen 4 years 44 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 9
Tq Alex,

I have done as your suggestion but I have to arrange the "Work" tabulation MANUALLY. Is that the correct way? Just to confirm..Anyway TQ very much.
