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Customized Fields

14 replies [Last post]
ronaldo celestino
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Does anyone know how to make "By row number" work...

Here’s my example, let us say under "Text1" field (customized), i created "Value List",
Row Value Description
1 a January
2 b Febraury
3 c March
4 d April

I checked the "Allow addt’l items... & Append new...",
but unfortunately the "By row number" under Display order for dropdown list doesn’t work... it should give me the group arranged in the way I wanted. It is arranged instead alpahabetically, April>February>March>January...

this would be useful in grouping activities..
I’m a MSP user, I tried it with P3, & it works

Can you help with this one, please...



Darren Kosa
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I think that ‘By row number’ only applies to how they are displayed in the drop-down list, not when then are grouped.

You can define group intervals in the ‘Customize Group By’ dialog box, but even that functionality is extremely limited.

I don’t see any other way apart from prefixing I’m afraid.


ronaldo celestino
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This only proves that choosing "By row number" under "Display order..." does not work for the purpose.

Thanks anyway, i’ve been using this for quite some time, I thought there’s a way to resolve this without using prefix.


Darren Kosa
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I don’t think there is a way to stop MS Project grouping alphanumerically. Many, if not all, Microsoft applications sort from A-Z or Z-A, try creating folders in Windows Explorer and Outlook and you’ll get the same result.

It is exactly for this reason you need ‘persuade’ MS Project to group as you require, by including an alphanumeric prefix for January / February / March / etc.

I tested your problem using four rows (1 / 2 / 3 / 4) and four values (a Jan / b Feb / c Mar / d Apr). I didn’t use a description. I also ticked the same check boxes you described in Post #1. This method grouped as follows:

a Jan
b Feb
c Mar
d Apr

Without the prefixes MS Project grouped alphabetically.

All I can suggest is if you are already using a prefix and when you group it still doesn’t display the values in the order you require, try recreating the Value list criteria in a spare text field.

Again if it doesn’t group correctly, try creating a new file to use as a test file and inserting four tasks. Use the same Value List criteria and see if you have the same problem. If you don’t, it may be a problem with the original file. If you do, it may be a problem with MS Project itself.


ronaldo celestino
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Hi Darren,

If u input those data, it is alphabetically arrrnaged, try to input them as follows;


please try to remove Months 1/2/3/4 from the field Value...

Darren Kosa
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Hi Ronaldo,

I use MS Project 2k3 SP2 and Alexandre’s suggestion worked fine for me. I also tried these values:

Month 1: Jan
Month 2: Feb
Month 3: Mar
Month 4: Apr

They worked as well.

Have you tried this out on any other project files and are getting the same results, or is it just the one project you’re having this problem with?


ronaldo celestino
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Same here...
ronaldo celestino
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Thanks anyway, but i think this is one of the bugs of MSP2003.. by the way i also tried MSP 2007 before but i shifted back to MSP2003 ’coz of so many bugs in 2007 especially in grouping & outline codes...
more power in planning...
ronaldo celestino
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From the "Value list for..." (Customize Fields of Text1),
I created the ff.:

Row: 1,2,3,4
Description:January, February, March,April

no check "For use a value from..."
...i checked "Allow addt’l..." & "Append.." and
checked "By row number" under "Display order for dropdown list"

Still , I didn’t get the order that i wanted.

ronaldo celestino
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Thanks for your reply, i’m using MSP2003. Still, it doesn’t work on me. It shows me the grouping alphabetically & not the way i’ve arranged them by row.

It groups like this;

I wanted to group them as below;

I may be skipping some steps. I tried to fix it but unfortunately failed to do so. Can u give me some advice.

ronaldo celestino
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In addition to my post... I want it to view in grouping like this;
Task 1
Task 2
Task 3
Task 4
Task 5
Task 6
Task 7
Task 8

but instead it shows me arranged alphabeltically...
Task 7
Task 8
Task 3
Task 4
Task 5
Task 6
Task 1
Task 2

I need your expert advice please...
