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MSP 2003 "Analyze Timescaled Data in Excel "Option

5 replies [Last post]
Tony McClennon
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Hi All,

I’m probably having one of those "Friday moments", but I cannot find the "Analyze Timescaled Data in Excel" option to add to the toolbar.

MSP help says:

"On the View menu, click Gantt Chart.
If applicable, select the tasks you want to export.
On the View menu, point to Toolbars, and then click Analysis.
Click Analyze Timescaled Data in Excel."

However, when I point to Toolbars, Analysis is not there. Someone please tell me I’m not losing it completely!!



Tony McClennon
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Hi Darren,

It appears that my registry files had been corrupted - a refresh has now brought the Analysis toolbar back into operation.

Many thanks for your assistance.


Tony McClennon
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Hi Darren,

Thanks again - unfortunately, when I get to:

"In the Customize dialog box check the ’Analysis option and click OK"

....there is no customise dialogue box shown.

It’s really annoying as the option has been available, but suddenly disappeared!!


Darren Kosa
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Sorry Tony,

Should proof read my posts. :)

It should read

Tool > Customize > Toolbars and select the Toolbars tab
In the Customize dialog box check the ’Analysis option and click OK


Tony McClennon
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Thanks for the reply. Everything works in the first part of the solution.

However, when I then go to:

Tool > Customize > Toolbars and select the Tools tab
In the Customise dialog box check the ’Analysis’ option and click OK

there is no Tools Tab, only Toolbars, Commands and Options - is there another step I should be taking.

Thanks and regards,

Darren Kosa
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Hi Tony,

There are a number of reasons why this happens, but try this.

Tools > Customize > Toolbars and select the Commands tab
In the dialog box you’ll see two scroll bars.
On the left-hand side scroll down and select Tools
You’ll then see a number of options appear on the right-hand side
Scroll down the right-hand side and select COM Add-Ins...
Now drag the selection and add it to any of the Toolbars at the top of the screen
You should now have a COM Add-Ins... button on one of your Toolbars
Click the button and a COM Add-Ins dialog box will appear
Hopefully you will have ’Analyze Timescaled Data in Excel’ as one of the options
Check the option and then click OK

You then need to go

Tool > Customize > Toolbars and select the Tools tab
In the Customise dialog box check the ’Analysis’ option and click OK

Let me know if this helps as there are a still few things you can do if it doesn’t.

