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Ms Project and Baselines

5 replies [Last post]
Sheila Naujoks
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I know I should have saved my original baseline as the ’baseline’ AND ’baseline 1’ and in future always have the ’baseline’ be the equivalent of the latest saved baseline, so it is the one displayed in the tracking gantt.

However, I did not do this at the outset of the project and since then dates and tasks have significantly changed.

I therefore have a few questions:

1) Is it possible to tell MS Project to make what is currently saved in the ’baseline’ also ’baseline 1’? (I seem to have been able to do this by saving an interim plan based on ’baseline’ in ’baseline 1’ and it did ask me if I was sure that I wanted to overwrite the current ’baseline 1’ - however, I have not been able to verify that this was successful as I cannot seem to be able to view any baseline other than the one saved as _the_ ’baseline’, which brings me to my second question...)

2) How can I view the dates and gantt chart associated with any of the baselined plans (e.g. ’baseline 1’ or ’baseline 2’)

3) Can I tell the tracking gantt to show tracking against a particular baseline (e.g. ’baseline 1’ instead of ’baseline’?)

Many thanks to anyone who may be able to provide the answers to these questions.



Philip Jonker
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Do not worry that much about it, just give them a swift kick under the rectum, and they will reply.


Sheila Naujoks
User offline. Last seen 17 years 41 weeks ago. Offline
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Alexandre - you are an absolute star! Thank you very much!
Philip Jonker
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Hi Sheila,

The questions is simple, however as I am not a full time MSP user the answers are noet coming of the tp of my head, but there is always work arounds to keep this type of information. make sure you save every file/version with its baseline when it is set, and under a different name. at least this keeps the history, as MSP does not have unique ID’s at least you can go back and find the info at a later stage, itis cumbersom, but at least you are not losing info.

