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MS Project color rolled up taskbar

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Forum Guest
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Hi, does anybody know how you can change the bar color of an individual rolled up task by means of VB?

More specific: Suppose you have two tasks after each other rolled up to a main task. The main task will now show 2 bars on the same line. How can the color of one of these bars be changed? (It can be done manually!)

To change the bar color of a normal task, I use code like this:


Renaud Moisan
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Sorry for unearthing this topic :)

Using VBA, I am looking for a way to copy a bar attribute (color, style, ...) to another bar.

Searching the web I found how to assign a format to a bar using ganttbarformat. But I cannot find a way to get the format values of a given bar... Anybody can help?
Forum Guest
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(solution provided by GĂ©rard Ducouret)

Refer to the subtask with this code:

GanttBarFormat TaskId:=x,GanttStyle:=y, MiddleColor:=z

y=style number of the rolled up bar (see bar styles: default = 5)
z=predefined color (e.g. pjGreen)