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Color Categorizing Tasks...

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IT Student
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The scrn. shot ( shows a Project Plan made in Excel where each

section of duty is colour coded. What sort of system is available in MSProject 2002 for making a similar categorization?

If I cant colour the background, what other techniques are recommended?



IT Student
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Will Russell
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You could use the Grouping facility.

Using a text field or an outline code put in a code against each type of task, Daily Routine or Emergency. Once youve coded up the project go to Project/Group by/More Groups and select New, give it a name and select the text field or outline code that youve put the code in. Hit apply and it will seperate the tasks out into the groups youve specified. Easy really!!

If you use the outline codes you can sub-categorise the tasks if required, but the coding needs a little thinking about because the codes shown in the Gantt chart might not be easily identified. Have a go and let me know how you get on.
