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Free Project Viewer

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Anthony Anthony
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We’ve released a free project viewer on

There’s three catches:
- it requires the dotnet runtime installed
- it has basic view functionality
- we need your feedback and advice on its operation

It has one big advantage:
- you don’t need a Project Install/License to use it

Please help us out by checking it out and giving feedback.



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thanks your information.
Anthony Anthony
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It’s a beta and we’ve put a time limit of three months for each beta version.

We are going to keep updating the functionality so we’ll keep adding three months for every new version.

"Projette" was written using the dotnet runtime so it’s limited to the operating systems that support dotnet. This probably means Microsoft Windows 98+ at the moment.

I’ve put this information on the website too.

Thanks for your interest

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Would you mind have more info to the beta software. For what OS, hardware requirement, any conflict to other software? Any time limitation to the beta.