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Anita Hunter
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At present we are looking at changing/updating our Planning package we currently use P3 though other parts of the company use MSP 98/2k.

My question really, has anyone used 2002 and whats your thoughts on the package. Have done a bit of reseach on P3e, but would like to hear the verdict on 2002.


Forum Guest
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Not sure exactly what features you are looking for, but remember there are many other software packages available other than MSP2002 and P3. Check out Project Activator by BPS Corporation. Our company is reviewing it now and have found many features that are superior. Product appears very simple to use- something we really wanted for our users. Web based as well so handy if you have remote or travelling team members. Good luck in your search
Tara Muddappa
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Hi Anita,

Though I have not extensively worked on MSP2002,on reviewing the software briefly I feel P3 is more superior to MSP for Network Analysis.

Any way for monitoring and control P3 can be effectively used and I have noticed this in one my assignments.

On one project i was forced to use MSP,since the client and the consultants were more familiar with this.Then after 6 months I could convince the consultant to convert to P3.