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Planning Planet Questions

12 replies [Last post]
Piers John dOrgee
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Hello everyone.

I’m doing a quick report on the changes that have been made on PP over the past year.

It would be nice if you could air your views on the developments made on planning planet on this thread, as it would help me greatly.

Many thanks.



Samer Zawaydeh
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Dear Piers,

What are you studying? I can’t determine if you are interesting in Free Web Sites development, Web Social Effect, Planning and Scheduling, or research.

It would be interesting to read what you have developed until now, since it is not a report :) that you want to submit.

I think that you will get reviews from the active members, and it will only add value to your research. You might get some hard replies, but that is part of the work.

With kind regards,

Piers John dOrgee
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Well, what I am doing here is a documentary on the development of Planning Planet. In the past year it has tried to develop a more commercial means to cover running costs and also expand the site to make it even better.
The University I go to is Southampton Solent University. But this piece I am doing is for my own personal means. As a student I’m studying the site and how it has developed and how easy/difficult it has been.
Samer Zawaydeh
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Dear Piers,

Can you tell us the name of the University that is interesed in PP and following its development?

With kind regards,

Samer Zawaydeh
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Dear Piers,

You are most welcomed. The most important thing is that you benefit from this discussion and you get A+ in you report.

Here are the answers to your questions:
Q: OPINIONS do you think the changes such as the Wiki and the new-look site are an improvement?
A: I read the forum postings only. Didn’t visit the wiki yet ;)

Q: Do you think PP is catering more for the planner’s needs?
A: It caters for the needs of people who have questions on the projects that they are working on. Planners, Schedulers, project manager, cost estimators, students, etc... :)

Q: What are your views to the site in general?
A: The site value increases with the diverse discussions each time. Like this one :)

Q: How useful is it? Does it do its job well?
A: When you have people willing to provide answers. It does the job pretty well :)

I think that you can create a list of all the questions that you want and post it on a website for questionaires. You can google it. Then you ask PP to answer your questionair. Good luck.

With kind regards,

Piers John dOrgee
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This is brilliant guys,

Thank you.
Rafael Davila
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Most changes done last year have been minor cosmetic changes as PP is close to a major change in the site design. I hope the red hair guy is kept, kind of an icon of PP.

A very relevant change came when PP got into agreement first with ORACLE and latter with ASTA. At the beginning we were skeptical but after ASTA came into play our fears of PP losing its independence are vanishing.

The site is unparalleled; in no other site you will find postings of different competing software side by side. PP does its job better than any. I would say PP is as useful as it can be. On a scale of 1 to 10 I give PP a 100, way over expectations.

About Wiki I do not look at it, believe it to be unreliable but maybe this is part of what makes this place so great, it has quite of an open mind.

Can you tell me where in other planning forum you will find debates about legal issues? PP is unique.
Scarllet Pimpernel
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Hello Piers,

Planning planet is the most usefull website for planners. In this plannet, you will encounter diverse personality, diverse views, diverse way of doing planning/scheduling/project control/forensic schedule analysis.

The content of planning planet give a broad horizon, broad understanding on the planning activities. It is useful because it give planning planet members an advantage to others who are not members, who are innnocent on what the other sides of the oceans view and practice planning.

Planning planet brings a wealth of ideas, concept and details on how to do planning job.

Planning planet also keep members abreast with planning immortals, self proclaims planning immortals.

The ideas in planning planet and what we did here in planning planet will always impact on the way we do planning/scheduling/project control/forensic schedule analysis.

Planning planet gives baptismal of fire from wanabe planners and proper directions.

All are my IMHO, "In my humble opinion"

Thank you,
Piers John dOrgee
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Thank you Saymer.

I’m more or less fully aware of the goings on in Planning planet, but what I really want to know is your OPINIONS do you think the changes such as the Wiki and the new-look site are an improvement?
Do you think PP is catering more for the planner’s needs?
What are your views to the site in general?
How useful is it? Does it do its job well?

You guys are the experts. That’s why I want your say.
Piers John dOrgee
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If anyone would like to help me with this it would be very much appreciated.

Also, if you would like me to tell PP admin of your own personal views I can d that as well.
Thank you all
Piers John dOrgee
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Oh it’s a university assignment.

I’m doing a documentary on planning planet and I’ve been wondering how everyone’s been finding all the new stuff over the last year.
Mike Testro
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Hi Piers

May I ask who you are reporting to?

Best regards

Mike Testro
Samer Zawaydeh
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Dear Piers,

Are you going to post your report on PP? This will be an added value to PP.

Here are the Top Ten remarks in 5 minutes or less:

1. "We’re Independent" was posted on the menu.
2. "Be Proud of your Planning" was posted on the menu.
3. Oracle became a partner with an icon on the menu
4. Asta powerproject became a partner with an icon on the menu
5. "Risk Expalined" poped up on the menu
6. "Events" poped up on the menu
7. New category initiate by Mike for: "Trivia and non planning issue"
8. New category initiated by Rafael for "Spider project"
9. "Primavera Project Planner - P3" has more than 900,000 views.
10. Topics count will surpass 10,000 soon. Maybe this month!

Hope you enjoyed it :)

With kind regards,
