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Oracle / PP Conspiracy theory -Bored yet?

8 replies [Last post]
Gary Whitehead
User offline. Last seen 5 years 7 weeks ago. Offline
Is it just me who is getting really quite bored of the constant stream of posts about this, despite the fact that NOTHING BAD HAS ACTUALLY HAPPENED?

Has Oracle exerted any control over what we say in the forums?

Has PP’s association with Oracle lead to any loss of content or functionality from the site?

Has PP’s association with Oracle lead to other suppliers of planning software being in any way spurned, disenfranchised or disadvantaged?

Does having a logo in the top right of your screen actually do anything bad?

Does being sponsored make you a slave to that sponsor?

Does the addition of Oracle white papers make the site more or less useful to planners in general?

Have any of the predictions of doom from the conspiracy theorists sinced this happened come true?

Every one’s entitled to their opinion, but I’m starting to find this constant barrage of criticism for the link up with Oracle more tedious than the "can i have a copy too" posts.


Rafael Davila
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First I have to know the difference between the options with regard to cost and what exactly each mean. Probably if a PDF of the contracts, Oracle “Partner Contract” and Halliburton “Advertising Agreement” is made available I can start considering the options.

I don’t have the means of Halliburton;

Not to mention Oracle;

From the information I got and based on the history of some of these companies all I can deduct is that I will not be required to submit any Penal Records to qualify. Everything else is still unknown to me.

One aspect about becoming a Partner with PP and Primavera/Oracle that worries me is that I might become personally liable for the wrongdoings of the other partners. There is a genuine need to understand the agreement, to understand the fine print.

I still do not get it, perhaps the "partnership" words just mean an honorific title, I have no idea yet.

Best regards,
Mike Testro
User offline. Last seen 18 weeks 2 hours ago. Offline
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Hi Rafael

Why not apply to be a PP Partner.

Best regards

Mike Testro
Rafael Davila
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What about advertising on the Links Page, there are about 500 already advertising there.

I could find some known names and even the notorious name Halliburton;

I could not find Spider Project nor Micro Planner, so it seems to me is on a fee basis. I am interested in knowing the fee to analyze the possibility of advertising myself.

Best Regards,
Mike Testro
User offline. Last seen 18 weeks 2 hours ago. Offline
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Hi Rafael

It is about time that I came in on this discussion.

I have been exchanging private messages with admin pp ID nr 1 and I have been assured that there is no commercial benefit to PP admin in respect of the Oracle link up.

Neither is there any intention of a Faustus schemme to sell the soul of PP to the devil.

If any other software publisher wants to make a pitch for similar access I am sure they will be accomodated.

I have already put this to the CEO of Powerproject who is thinking about it.

Now it is up to you - Vladimir get your Spider marketing guys motivated.

Raphael M Dua - please make your pitch ASAP.

Microsoft Project - don’t even go there.

Best regards

Mike Testro
Rafael Davila
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The “pony” commercial should tell you something about justice and fairness. It is not necessary to take something away in order to be unfair.

In a similar context I would say your question about taking away evade the issue of fairness, it evades the issue about the question of PP being biased in favor of Oracle because of their economic support. It seems many are expressing the same question, as to the point you are tired of hearing such complaints.

The following is an example of the costs of a web page;

This can give us an idea of how much we can expect to pay for a page on PP, assuming you stand for your own motto, “By Planners, for Planners”.

Then why not be fair: How much I have to pay PP to place a similar add with my name, and a page where I can advertise myself as a provider of CPM scheduling support using Spider Project? Maybe I could become a regional Spider Reseller and advertise on PP. It would be unfair if you give Oracle the real pony at the same price we would have to pay for our toy pony.

Also for our knowledge can you disclose if PP is a for profit organization or non-profit? I believe it is a for profit organization as it is receiving income from their supporters with a commercial interest but want to make sure I also can legally do commercial business with PP without the possibility of being accused of unfair business practice in my country.

The above questions should be of no issue to PP. Let’s talk business same as Oracle, my services are relevant to PP audience. Of particular interest to those in Latin-America whose main language is Spanish. Not rich nations, but a lot of people.

Don’t tell me "You didn’t asked".

Best regards,
Gary Whitehead
User offline. Last seen 5 years 7 weeks ago. Offline
1) Selling advertising space to a company that is relevant to the site’s audience is not a bad thing. What harm has it done?

2) a) White papers having nothing to do witrh the forums. b) Oracle did not ’take control’ of the white papers. Before the Oracle agreement, there was no white papers to take control of. Oracle have merely provided a free resource to us.

3) Again, the white paper functionality has been ADDED because of Oracle. Nothing has been taken away.

4)I do not know, and I’m fairly sure you do not either, wether the Oracle agreement is exclusive or not. I do not know, and you do not either, if other suppliers have ever expressed an interest in doing something similar. You choose to assume ther worst in the absence of knowledge, I don’t.

5) It’s called advertising. You can make the same claim about any sponsorship deal that has ever been made in any industry ever.

6) See response to point 4.

7) It is giving us access to resources that we didn’t have before. It is taking away nothing. If Carlsberg choose to give me free beer at a Liverpool game, I won’t feel exploited.

8) Not at all. It’s obious they have paid for the right to advertise on the site. Nothing more sinister than that.

9) If PP were telling us Oracle is the best, or stopping us telling others why it isn’t, you would have a point. PP is not doing that, nothing like that at all. All they are doing is selling Oracle about 3" of screen space and a link. And it is entirely possible they would happily do the same to Asta, Microsoft etc if they were happy to pay. It’s entirely possible this deal has already been offered to them, and they have declined.

Bottom line is more money is being spent on the site to make it better and more free and relevant information is being offered to us. All we have to do in return is look at the word ’Oracle’ written in red every now and then.

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Raf, Beautifully said and written
Rafael Davila
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1) Is it just me who is getting really quite bored of the constant stream of posts about this, despite the fact that NOTHING BAD HAS ACTUALLY HAPPENED?

Already bad things had happened; the fact that Oracle is the only one advertising at PP is per se a bad thing. There must be a reason for the constant stream of posts.

2) Has Oracle exerted any control over what we say in the forums?

Of course, Oracle by taking exclusive control of the white Papers is an example of this.

3) Has PP’s association with Oracle lead to any loss of content or functionality from the site?

Of course, Oracle by taking exclusive control of the white Papers is a way of stealing away functionality to the others who cannot have the same.

4) Has PP’s association with Oracle lead to other suppliers of planning software being in any way spurned, disenfranchised or disadvantaged?

I believe so; Oracle by taking exclusive control of the white Papers as well as advertisement is a way of stealing away functionality to the others who cannot have the same.

5) Does having a logo in the top right of your screen actually do anything bad?

Is a subtle message, by being the only one it induces you to believe PP is promoting Oracle as the best or the only one acceptable to PP admin.

6) Does being sponsored make you a slave to that sponsor?

It depends on your agreement but it can go further, yes this can get PP into some liability with Oracle. Of course wrongdoing by Oracle can also get them into liability. If PP is a non-profit organization then maybe it is wrongdoing by Oracle

7) Does the addition of Oracle white papers make the site more or less useful to planners in general?

Yes is promoting a privileged or one sided view, is exclusive advertising, Oracle White Papers belong to Oracle Site. It should read PP White Papers and all or any other developer shall be granted with access to it. Don’t let PP become ambivalent. It is either for all or only for Oracle, make up your mind.

8) Have any of the predictions of doom from the conspiracy theorists since this happened come true?

Isn’t it obvious it is taking over? If not then get the logo out and the white papers section as if nothing has happened.

9) Every one’s entitled to their opinion, but I’m starting to find this constant barrage of criticism for the link up with Oracle more tedious than the "can i have a copy too" posts.

The day we start yielding to wrong things democracy will crumble. Be honest, make up your mind. Is PP to favor Oracle or is PP to provide equal opportunity to all?

I can tolerate PP selling to Oracle, I cannot tolerate PP selling to Oracle while at the same time says it is providing equal opportunity to all.