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Tips on using this forum..

(1) Explain your problem, don't simply post "This isn't working". What were you doing when you faced the problem? What have you tried to resolve - did you look for a solution using "Search" ? Has it happened just once or several times?

(2) It's also good to get feedback when a solution is found, return to the original post to explain how it was resolved so that more people can also use the results.

PP Living Legend

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Hello to all,

I start a thread to acknowledge the contribution of PP members that makes a lot of difference in the way we are doing planning as a result of PP member resilience in sharing his/her ideas.

There are no specific rules. This is only to show gratitude for there love of planning and sharing ideas to the betterment of our skills in planning. I may enlighten an individual.



Fiona Maughan
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Would that be a bust ?
Clive Randall
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The golden charlies perhaps
Edgar Ariete
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i’ll go for Planning Philip!..
Philip Jonker
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Maybe then the living wilde planner
Nigel Winkley
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Groan! That was terrible!
Fiona Maughan
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I vote we call it a Planning Oscar.......
Oscar Wilde
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For Im a jolly good planner
For Im a jolly good planner
Etc etc
Philip Jonker
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Rather thank him for the fact that he does not think all he knows belongs to him, and realises he got it for free and can give it away for the same price.
Oscar Wilde
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id like to thank Charlie for teaching me all I
know about planning
Philip Jonker
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The right idea, I had a planner who works for a turnkey JV recently decided he wanted to give a prize for the best planner of the the month. I told him I was not prepared to select anybody from my team as we worked as one. He gave me the prize anyhow, for sorting out some stupid problem for him. The prize was a box of biscuits to which I gave to my team. We decided then that if he was so anxious to give a prize, was to give it to the person who made the worse balls up of the month, and it was won by one of my team, who went to a client meeting with me, and after the meeting, could not find his car, he then phoned the vehicle tracking people who was totally unhelpfull, because he gave the wrong name, because the vehicle a BMW 740, is registered in his companies name, and he lost it and blew his top with them, quite a funny scene:-) In the meantime I spotted he had parked in a peak hour parking zone, ie no parking between certain hours. I then walked over to some traffic policeman who quite proudly confirmed they had towed it away to the pound. He got the second box of biscuits.
The next prize also went to one of my team, who somehow managed between him and an IT guy to get themselves locked in the toilet, much, too the entertainment of all. Another box of biscuits. We have now decided, to change the prizes to a case of beer, unfortunately the TK JV planner is not only a vegetarian, but a teetotaller as well. So from now on the person who gets the box of biscuit sponsors a night for the team in the pub, much better.
The point is we enjoy planning, but without the fun, it can become a drag. Also I agree with one of the earlier postings about sharing experience and assisting others with problems.


Nigel Winkley
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Give the award to "The Team" - planners are a part of a team as are the engineers, designers, brickies, canteen workers etc.

I can’t do what I do without all of them, and more, so why should I be singled out?


Chris Oggham
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I agree with you, I just think Oscar was a little more subtle about it.

Clive Randall
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Here here
Living legend
Do we really think planning is that important.

I planned that
I designed that
I payed for that
I have loads of money
I went to bed with that
I sang that

Please choose one of the above as the publics most likely catergory for a legend

Philip Jonker
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I think you guys are brain dead, in arabic, Mok mafi
Chris Oggham
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Interesting thought. Have you started work on your acceptance speech yet?
Oscar Wilde
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i have to thank charlie for thats as far as ive got
Oscar Wilde
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The first receipient of the golden Orbe is ????????