For those who may not have read the "Planners Moan Forum" discussion, it is possible to attach an image (like a screen capture), to your posts by uploading your image to a free image server/host like
imageshack or
ephotohut and linking to the image with a little bit of HTML like so:
<*a href="" target="_blank"*><*img src="" border="0" alt="Free Image Hosting at" /*><*/a*>
If you remove the * characters from the quoted text, you would have the code that displays the image above (which contains 9 faces, can you find them all? Click on the image to see the larger, full size picture). ephotohut conveniently provides you with the necessary HTML code after you upload an image from your hard drive. You can just copy and paste the code here.
Bernard Ertl
eTaskMaker Project Planning Software