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(1) Explain your problem, don't simply post "This isn't working". What were you doing when you faced the problem? What have you tried to resolve - did you look for a solution using "Search" ? Has it happened just once or several times?

(2) It's also good to get feedback when a solution is found, return to the original post to explain how it was resolved so that more people can also use the results.

New improvement- PM ALERT

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Shahzad Munawar
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I want to suggest one thing that there should PM (Private Message) Alert on this forum. As you enter in this Forum with your login, PM Alert will intimate you the message so that instead of opening his personal e-mail, the member may view PM on this forum easily.

I hope that this suggestion will be accepted by the Planning Planet Team


Andrew Ng
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Dear PP Admin

The improvement is adequate, and good. Well Done !!!

Anyway it is quite unlikely that I will ever use the unsubscribe function/button even if you introduce one.

Best Regards
...Andrew Huang......
Kaohsiung Taiwan
Dayanidhi Dhandapany
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Dear PP Admin,

Ok for the time being i can accept your suggestion.


Raj Maurya
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It is good idea to put a icon subscibe/ unsubscibe. I think you can implement it.
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Hi there,

Thanks for the suggestions. Yes, your right, the email alerts need improving.

Some of your suggestions are extremely difficult to implment and are perhaps, not the best solution.

Here’s an idea - we were thinking of having an icon on the top of each forum topic that would allow us to subscribe, or un-subscribe to each topic. Do you think this would be good? If we were keen to see replies to a topic we could subscribe and if we were tired of a topic we could press the un-subscribe option.

In the interim, we have (hopefully) improved the email message which is sent out whenever a new reply has been made.

Please let us know if it has not improved things.

Your thoughts on the above subscribe / un-subscribe idea would be most welcome.

Bernard Ertl
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Is it possible to modify the script to only e-mail a thread notification if:

1) The thread has receieved a reply since the member’s last log-on; and
2) The member has not already received a notification for a previous reply on that same thread

This should ensure that only one notification per thread is sent between member log-ins even if the thread receives several replies to it.

Bernard Ertl
InterPlan Systems - eTaskMaker Project Planning Software
Dayanidhi Dhandapany
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Dear PP Admin,

I too consider Andrew’s comment is a valid one, If someone replied to a thread let us say 3 times in a day and if we have set up an option of "E-mail me when someone posts a new message in this thread" for 5 different threads, then we are not in a position of just reading the thread ID to understand what it is meant for, sometimes may end up with opening the same thread again and again. Hence PP Admin can implement Andrew’s suggestions in addition with my one to include "Sent"link along with Read/Reply/Delete links in the PM Alert area.

Thanks in advance.


Andrew Ng
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Dear PP Alert Admin,

Can I request that the alert message be added with the following particulars:-

a) the source of the message;
b) the caption of the message or the first line of the message.

Given the propensity to receiving the same message several times as it is now, much time is wasted opening the same forum posting.

I think it would add to the convenience of all.

Best Regards

Andrew Huang
Dayanidhi Dhandapany
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Dear PP Admin,

If you are revising your script as per Bernard’s suggestion, then please take note of including/adding a "sent" link along with read/reply/delete links, so that it would be useful to refer what has been sent as Private messages.....


Bernard Ertl
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Would it be possible to modify the scripts so that when a logged in member is viewing the forums (or even threads), and that member has unread PMs waiting, the PP can display a notification message between the main web site navigation and the top of the forum grid?

Bernard Ertl
InterPlan Systems - eTaskMaker Project Planning Software
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That’s an interesting point.

Currently the "Home" link at the top of every page will take you to the page where you can read / delete messages.

If you are logged in you get the Private Message page. If you are not logged in you get the "old" main index page.

Is this not ok?

Your suggestions are always welcome.
Shahzad Munawar
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But there is something missing. If it is modified in below mentioned way then this facility will become more effective:

Since PM is only intimated to you when you open welcome member page newly added by PP Team whereas it should be notified as you open any page of this web side like other discussion forums so there needs to be still modification.
Dayanidhi Dhandapany
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Dear PP Admin,

Excellent work, problem solved.



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When you click on the "Home" link it will take you to the Private Message page (if you are logged in).

Let someone know if this does not work OK for you.

Dayanidhi Dhandapany
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Dear PP Admin,

I could not have access to read the Private Messenger messages in second time from PP website, always i’ve to follow the link which had been given in my personal email id to access the PM message. I think this can be avoided, may be you can establish a permanent icon called PM in the website so that someone who wants(like me) to refer the PM messages can be benefited.


Dayanidhi Dhandapany
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Dear PP Admin,

This PP’s private messenger is found to be really a useful one to me. It is like a new Milestone in the development of PP website.


Shahzad Munawar
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Thanks for implemenation PM alert in member’s account and add new page to each member.
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Some changes have been implemented in regard to the Private Messaging function.

Please let someone at Planning Planet know if you have any ideas on how we can improve things further.

Keep the suggestions coming, keep up the great work!!

Planning Planet Development Team
Shahzad Munawar
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Planning Planet Still silent on this interesting and important issue which needs to be expediated.

SO PP please do needful at your earliest to facilate the members more.
Dayanidhi Dhandapany
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It is a nice idea to introduce the PM alert, i welcome your suggestion.

