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Network Tool and Forum Posts

10 replies [Last post]
Bernard Ertl
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First of all, thanks for adding the profile option by each post to see a reference on an authors expertise. Very nice.

Within the member network tool, I inadvertently added someone to my contact list that I do not know. How can I remove this person from my contact list? I could not find a means to do so.

Could we add a data item to the network profile to identify the primary industry for a member and then list that primary industry in the left hand column of a message thread next to the members posts (similar to the way the geographic information is currently displayed)?

[edit]edited to bold the pertinent suggestion[/edit]

Bernard Ertl
InterPlan Systems Inc. - Project Management Software, Project Planning Software


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Hi there,

Bernard, we checked the script and it appears that you had put your web address inside some quotation / speech marks. An html quirk that works in some instances and creates problems in others. We removed them it is looks and works great. Hope it’s as expected.

Reqd = < a href=>Comapny Name
Your = < a href="">Company Name

(omit space shown between initial "<" and "a")

MK, we will look at your other suggestion. Thanks. In future it would be great if a new topic was started each time you want to approach another subject.

Thanks for your continued support.
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One more suggestion: -
Propose to move both "Primary Industry" and "Member since ..." from left column to right column, ject next to the profile button. So information of profile grouped together and reduce the scroll down movement.
Bernard Ertl
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Thanks again. That was fast!

The display of the company name in the Member Network viewing tool (when searching for some text and viewing the table of results) needs a slight adjustment. Search for "Bernard" and you will see what I mean.

Bernard Ertl
InterPlan Systems Inc. - Project Management Software, Project Planning Software
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Hi PPers,

Company Name Hyperlink - If you log in and go over to the Member Page you will see the usual "Review and Ammend your Personal DATA-FILE" hyperlink.

This will now allow you to enter or ammend your "company name" in such a way that it will be presented on the site as an internet hyperlink, rather than as just text. Other members can then click on your company name and be taken straight to your preferred site.

Hope this improves things for you. Thanks.
Bernard Ertl
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... and the requests just keep coming... :)

Would it be too much trouble to allow/offer hyperlinks from the company name on member pages (visible through the profile button) to the companys web site?

Bernard Ertl
InterPlan Systems Inc. - Project Management Software, Project Planning Software
Bernard Ertl
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We have added a "Primary Industry" flag in the left column.

The data entry field for adding your primary industry is located via an "Edit your Personal Data-File" link on the Members Page.

Trust this helps improve things.
Forum Guest
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Hi there, This Profile button is great, it readily shows me the expertise of a member - something I was not aware of before. Bernard, we have added your request for "Primary Industry" to the to-do-list. Thanks for your continued support.
Bernard Ertl
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OK. The Del button did not work the last time I tried it months ago. It worked this last time. This is a non-issue.

Bernard Ertl
InterPlan Systems Inc. - Project Management Software, Project Planning Software
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To remove a name from network, click on the name, then either button ADD or DEL appear, press DEl will remove the name from your network