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Tips on using this forum..

(1) Explain your problem, don't simply post "This isn't working". What were you doing when you faced the problem? What have you tried to resolve - did you look for a solution using "Search" ? Has it happened just once or several times?

(2) It's also good to get feedback when a solution is found, return to the original post to explain how it was resolved so that more people can also use the results.

Change Most valuble Planner Criteria

61 replies [Last post]
Ali Hamouda
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Hi there,

I would like to change the most valuable Planner criteria,it should be by vote not by how many number of questions a visitor to the site has issued.It is un fair Criteria.

For example I see that the most valuable Planner in this site is Mr.Tommas Rivera & Mr.Colin Cropley,which I my self has learned alot from those two guys, and I think all other visitors.



Oliver Melling
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Good Idea!

We could even do live shows where people plan projects on stage in front of a live studio audience and then the public could ring in and vote for their favourite planner!

We could call it something like ’Gantt Factor’ and Charlie could be just like Loui Walsh!
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May be thro a Poll by sending texts (SMS) by writing MVP followed by the PP ID no. of the MVP Planner and then followed by ur own PP Id

Each text to cost 50 cents, so that even PP Admin can have some more money to develop this site.

P.S. MVP stands for Most Valuable Planner


Carmen Arape
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I like your thoughts and I tick a box as a compliment.

Gordon Blair
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Oh no, it should be a full on popularity contest, where those of us who are insecure enough can boost our flagging ego’s by ’sticking it to’ our fellow planners ;oD
Oliver Melling
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Maybe just a tick box or button and a question that says ’Did you find this useful?’ would be a good idea.
Jackie Gilliland
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Here are just my views.

I believe PP is a great venue for planners from all over the world, regardless of race, religion, language, qualification or abilities to meet for some idle chit chat and exchange of ideas.

I do however also believe that PP and especially the more experienced PP’ers has a responsibility to also guide and advise and lead the lesser experienced planners.

PP should cater for both.

Some days planners visit for idle chit chat, and some days planners visit because they really need guidance and advice and on these days it is good to know who you shold be listening to.

To those that have some idea of the habits of the online comunity I can assure you, any one who expects all of their posts to be rated by readers are seriously over ambitious.

I do not believe we should see this as a contest. I believe what would be of value, is simply a tick box where, if you, the reader, found value in a post you can simply tick a box as a compliment and a thank you to
the person that posted it.

I do not believe the objective should be to in any way change any one’s way of utilising PP, and I certainly do not believe provision should be made for a bad or negative tick.

Just my thoughts.
Oliver Melling
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I think only rating posts once is a good idea.

But like you someone once said to me, there will always be the suspicion that people have more than one personality and more than one PPlanet account!
Gordon Blair
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it’s a valid point, the ranking system shouldn’t really compromise the nature of the forum at all. I’m sure the more free-spirited of you will continue to post regardless of people’s opinions of your posts, so why should you change? (although the facility to repeat rank should be restricted lest Charlie and Carmen force each others ratings machines to explode)

There is no harm, however, in people being encouraged to think before posting, particularly when an OP is asking for help...
Oliver Melling
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If i find it useful then i give it 5 stars.

If you find it useless, then you may only give it 1 star.

If i find it funny i might also give it 5 stars, but if it is another boring rant about native english speaking colonial task masters who rule with an iron hand and an evil heart, then i just won’t bother at all.
Carmen Arape
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I do trust your good will at the moment of judging a post as useful or useless. But what it is useful for you does not mean it would be useful for me.

What about the use of English done by no native English speaker. What about an excellent idea expressed with inconsistencies due to the poor or deficient use of the language.

Thanks Charlie for your comment about the high quality of my posts. You know my opinion about yours.

Can I compare my posts with Mr. Charlie, Mr. Chris or Mr. Clive who have an excellent domain of the English language. I believe , No

I keep on supporting the individual and private rating of posts : thumbs up minus thumbs down.

Oliver Melling
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The rating should (and hopefully will) only be about how useful the answer is to you.

I personally dont think any of the listed things matter, but maybe we should have a survey?

(I will try to ensure the tick boxes at the beginning of the survey cater for trans-gender, afro-carribean, jedi’s, who vote conservative and are aged 73 and over)
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And if I will be to judge, I only know

Ms Carmen Arape’s post is of high quality.

Of course I love the post of Mr. Andrew

The rest of the posts, I also like their post because I’m a very tolerant person and I encourage the best exchange of ideas, planning ideas.

The bottom line, I learned from my fellow PP members.

happy planning and scheduling
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QUALITY as in quality assurance and quality control.

In construciton, we measure quality with reference to a standard, specifications, normal practice, etc.

In PP planet, the measure of quality is vested in the moderator.

If the post is of poor quality, then, it is moderated, or deleted.

fellow members, don’t judge so that you will not be judge.

happy planning and scheduling
Carmen Arape
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To rate a post will involve the ideas, background, opinions of the person who is rating.

Keep in mind that here we are worldwide planners with more differences than similarities. The common interest is the planning business.

Most important differences to be hidden for the benefit of our debate would be;
Political orientation
Sex (not really because I believe We are no more than 5% in this forum)
Generational conflicts
Individual prejudices

Do you believe that the above mentioned differences would not play a role at the moment of rating a post???


Oliver Melling
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Ratings are about recognizing the quality of some peoples answers.

It is not about judging answers to be good or bad, right or wrong.
Carmen Arape
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The last word of your post opened the door of my curiosity regarding the type of freedom you might be thinking about.

Freedom of thoughts or actions ?? I would like to think in PP as a site of exercising freedom of thoughts.

Freedom of thoughts (not equal) to judging or rating post.


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That is why we dont have to judge the book by its cover????


do not judge as you will not be judge!!!!

Carmen, I always love your adjectives, your post, your ideas, etc.

What will become of us if there will be no freedom????

happy planning and scheduling
Carmen Arape
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Thanks and fully agree with you. Excellent, thumbs up minus thumbs down. Easy.

Until the new criteria will be defined, Mr. Charlie is Top 1 with number of brilliant, less brilliant, insolent and crazy posts.

I will be No 1 as female planner with interesting, different posts.


Dave Crosby
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I agree: KISS.
Just have a thumbs up or a thumbs down button for each post. Keep ranking by number of posts but also by number of thumbs up minus thumbs down.
Carmen Arape
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To All,

It seems that some PP members want to finish with creativity, spontaneity, good sense of humour and insolent ideas (Why not) at the moment of posting.

Comments like “ judging substance and originality is not easy”. It is not only not easy , It is impossible.

I hope that you will be busy some years getting consensus about the criteria. Meanwhile, let any PP member to post the first idea that comes to his/her mind. No limitation at the moment of posting, just respect for others’ opinions.


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If we follow as recommended, we may lost some brilliant mind, the not so brilliant mind and the crazy mind in PP.

because PP member will take a lot of time to send a post, thinkin that the post must pass the criteria.

And that will be the end of Planning Planet because only the pretenders of planning supremacy will post...

and they dont even have the time to post...

We may even end up with copy and paste planning ideas, those ideas that you can search in googles regarding planning and past in the post.

Oliver Melling
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The scoring system should not award anything for the number of posts, but should take into account when ranking.

There are hundreds of sites that use such systems for scoring posts and im sure the developer will be able to figure it out.
Anoon Iimos
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I agree with Jackie, judging substance and originality is not easy. So PP admin, read it once and bin it once. If the author disagree, then that’s the time for substantial justification that his/her post is valuable! (it will give chance for Philip to post more).
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Even though my mathematics is poor, let me give a try

Minimum criteria should be:

a) Member need to have completed at least three months on this forum. To avoid hyper active members being scored in the initial period.

Based on the posts u can have avg. score, say in my case it is 37/month

Grading points can be given say on a scale of 1 to 5.

Points shud be awarded on both a) TOTAL POINTS b) GRADE POINTS

Now, u can give points based on:
a) 1 point per 10 posts per month, and
b) collection of 10 grade points will add 1 more point.

So, say in my case it is 37 posts per month will fetch me 3.7 scoring points

Also, assume that i have earned total 1000 grade points for 685 posts; So, that means i have collected 1.46 scoring points.

So, total score will be 3.7 + 1.46 = 5.16 scoring points

This will keep a track of members activeness over a period of time and quality of posts as well.


Jackie Gilliland
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I do not believe you need a 1 to 5 rating. A post simply has value to people or it does not. The more people that does get value from the post, the more valuable it has.

Just 1 button where all that found value from a post can confirm it should do.

I believe
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Great point. We will point the web developer people in the direction of a button to allow readers to rate this post in marks out of 5. This way a members worth or usefulness can be counted via the ability of a poster to get 5 out of 5 for all posts made.

I assume we need it to recognise that a person has posted rubbish. For example if

Member A: makes 100 posts, all scored 1 out of 5
Member B: makes 10 posts, all scored 3 out of 5

Member A: total score will be 100 x 1 = 100
Member B: total score will b 10 x 3 = 30

But we need to recognise that Member A posted rubbish while Member B posted value! so I guess we need to compare the accrued score to the total potential score that was available?

Member A: potentially could have got 500
Member B: could have got 50

Any ideas on the forumla to be used?

PP Admin.
Oliver Melling
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Ranking people on no. of posts doesnt work, more posts does not mean that the answers are more valuable, CJ Orbe is just one example of this.

Any stars should be associated to the quality of the response that someone posts, not the number of responses a person makes.

The output of such a stars system should point the learner to the most appropriate answer/comment, rather than promoting people to post more comments to get a higher star rating.
Philip Jonker
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Hi Guys,

As one of the older members, I have been a bit errant in my ways/participation on the site, but keep on meaning to correct this. This was partly due to illness, and the balance due to a lack of time, as a result of getting all kinds of other things done. It seems the site will survive without a few of us, but, it still important to participate when the time allows.


Ferdinand Fincale...
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Good idea. That would measure not the quantity but the quality and substance of every member’s posting contributions. That will as well imply to one’s manners and personality in the progressive aspect and camaraderie on this wonderful web community.

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Hello All,

We can easily add some stars next to each members name that will reflect their activity on the Discussion Forum.

We would need to decide on how may posts earns you an extra star or some other icon!!

Jerry Alivio
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Hello Sreejith,

You have a good suggestions, i drink to that should be implemented. Hello Guys,any other suggestions about this fruitful idea to give rating to those members who contributes in this site. So, thoseOlder members will be back actively when they heared about rating.

Sreejith, i think we need ideas from other members...

Cheers to you,

Sreejith Nair
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I would suggest a Member rating section.
1) Provide 5 stars and anyone can rate others (Only once) and cant rate oneself.
2) Provide stars with each reply. Others members can rate the post

First one gives "One’s overall opinion" or "Impression" about the planner and the second one is purely based on his articles and postings.

Both of these or any one of these can be implemented


Philip Jonker
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Thanks Jerry, I amm Blushing:-)
Jerry Alivio
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Hello Philip,

I personally admired your contribution to this site, most of those are considerable, Cheers!! to you.

Hi! Guys even though we only met on this site but, it seems that we are getting closer with each other, by helping, considering and giving views and ideas to those in need.

Keep up the Good work.

Marcio Sampaio
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Hello Jerry;

Great observation. I’m agree and always glad to help.


Marcio Eduardo.
Philip Jonker
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Hi Jerry,

Shahzad Munawar
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No doubt, Planning Planet is more Helpful and Learning site for Professionals as compared to other planning sites available
Jerry Alivio
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Hi! Philip,

I have nothing more to say about Planning Planet, this site is not just an ordinary site where people just having fun, here we are learning and helping our brothers in profession who needs assistance not only in Planning and scheduling but almost all in every aspecs of discipline and professionalism.

Now if you look at the influx of brothers to be member, they are coming in minute.

This site is a "very useful site" even for those experts.

Thank you.


Philip Jonker
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Hi Jerry,

I think you have the right perception, and my thanks, and The site is very good, however, the previous posting is about a year old, and as far as I can re-collect it was almost 9000 to 10000 members by then, The negatives in my opinion, is that certain older members, no name no pack dril is not as active as they have been in the past, I was probably an example of this. However, I am back, and we have to stimulate some of the other characters, which I am trying. There is a new phase happening, but, we still have to remember the basics.


Jerry Alivio
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Hi Guys,

Can anybody inform us the up-dates on the realistic number of members, i mean the current one.

I would like to extend my appreciation for those Originator or the Founders of this "Planning Planet".

You people are "GREAT!!"


Jerry Alivio
Raja Izat Raja Ib...
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Hi PP Admin,
Any Result for the following threads? Sorry for bring up this post maybe u already forgotten about this....
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We will have a look at this and get back to you.

PP Admin
Jaco Stadler
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Can PP maybe do us a favour see how many is realy active.

Example define an active member as someone who logs in at least once a month.

I am sure this would be an interesting number.

Dayanidhi Dhandapany
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remember to use a factor to get real number of members. So don’t believe it on 10,226 ........
Sukumaran Subaram...
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WOW!!! it is great. Planning Planet has 10,226 members.
Does Planning Planet arranging any event for the achievement or any recognition for the members?


Guy Hindley
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I see some merit in the sentiments expressed in the note below about members meeting in person. As we are now approaching 6,000 members there should be some critical mass in certain geographical areas for some person to person contact. I am not sure how we do it though. Any ideas? In the UK I suspect some members also belong to the APM , do they?
Mehdi Rashidi Ala...
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Dear sir,
Could you approach Cost engineering and other items about cost to sponsor the site ?

John Wilson
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Hi all,

Now the members are ever expanding could we put together a meeting or somthing for memebers to meet in person, locally.

Mark Lomas
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Guys, could you approach Primavera, Microsoft (hmmm...) and other select suppliers to sponsor the site ?

Would we want to ?

My thinking is as planners (or related professionals) we all use P3 or Project or whatever. They could maybe donate some prizes, freebies, etc. and could contribute to our forums pages with some expert advice.
Ed van der Tak
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Congratulations with reaching the 2000 members! I think its a confirmation of having created (with some help of early and all other active members) a marker in the world of planning and scheduling. The 2000th member is located in the UK but has a rather Dutch name. As a present to the 2000th member we (I) , as Aram Planning Consultants in the Netherlands, we like to offer this member one day course in using P3e in our office in the Netherlands (in light of the new forum group P3e in PlannngPlanet).

When will we reach no. 3000?

Keep it going!

Ed van der Tak
Aram Planning Consultants
The Netherlands
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We have created a P3e area. If theres enough "action" we will keep it separate from the P3 section.

Good Luck to us!

Tomas Rivera
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I would vote for a new category for P3e (I just jumped to P3e and it is a birds eye view) and also for a download center. There have been times where we would like to share a file with some of the members. Tomas Rivera
Mohamed Gebriel
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Anything I can think of to celebrate this event is always and should be related to advancing the services of this website.

I think we should do some brainstorming to reward ourselves with something new.

Let me take a shot and start out by proposing a few items:

1- A download center where we can find important items to dl either from our own contributions or from outside.

2- Included in the DL center should a most needed section for templates, where we can all share project templates for different fields.

3- New polls which are related to improvement of our experience and skills.

4- Comments or maybe polls also on best Contractor and Project Management Firm to implement Project Management or Planning and Control.

5- Competetions with some prizes and stuff.

6- A new separate category for Primavera Project Planner for the Enterprise (P3e). Thr futures planning tool.

Come on all of you, lets hear some of your great ideas. Think of improvements you would like to see here in this site.
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Wow !! You are quite correct. Got any ideas on how to celebrate this auspicious event? We are also fast approaching the 1,000,000 page hits mark. Not bad to a volnteer site run by a handfull of planners in their spare time... Regards!
Ed van der Tak
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Gents, Are you celebrating the 2000th member on planningplanet? It close by (15 to go?) Regards, Ed
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Good topic. We have now got the site development fully underway. We hope that you find the "new" forum an improvement.

We are thinking of how we can have a mixture of posts and replies (replies being more important) plus the facility to cast your vote in regard to any particular reply or posting - in this way adding to a members "importance" via other members opinions etc.

If any of you good people have any ideas, please let someone here know.

The Planning Planet Team.
Ed van der Tak
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Hi Ali,

I agree with your proposed change but (there is always a but) maybe a combination of no. of replies/posts (showing your contribution and effort to PlanningPlanet) and a voting system (did the answer contribute to your problem?) would be best.


Ed van der Tak
Aram Planning Consultants
The Netherlands

Ali Hamouda
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Hi Ed,

I don’t think that it is working the way you mentioned.

I think it is working by your email ,and your email is the criteria even if you did not put any name.and your email=your I.D

But Mike can till us how it is work.

I would prefer to choose the most valuable planner by Vote not by posting a reply.

Ed van der Tak
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I understand that the name mentioned in the list of most valued planners is the one you type in yourself. If you keep changing between first and/or last name (or nickname) you will not be getting up in the list (am I right?).

Would it not be better to use your log-in id? and get the name in the list out of the personal data file?


Ed van der Tak
Aram Planning Consultants
The Netherlands
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Hello, and good point.

We are currently changing web servers. Once this is completed we will start to further develop the site, plus the functionality of this forum.

Thanks for your support and comments.