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Duration Database

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Yazeer Sivori Ser...
User offline. Last seen 1 year 12 weeks ago. Offline

Hi, quite sometime since I visited the site (since during their Comics-Sans Font Web era).


Projects are different. But are most Malaysian companies don't keep a comprehensive duration database (like cost estimating database)?

And that's what Malaysians are lagging behind westerners - data/info repository?


To develop this database, are there extra investment which probably business leaders reluctant to dig into?


Of course, durations are affected by job environment, job nature, resource load...

But at least you could have a wholesome basis to justify to management on the durations you estimate for activities.

(though in some situation, they still want the dateline no matter what history tells!)




ji wei
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China government have issued the reference duration in civil building, not quite useful for mechanical project.

As for engineer, these data base should be build by yourself according to your experiece.