Projected As Built
A New Delay Analysis Method
This is a condensation of my 25 years experience as a Delay Analyst into one simple system.
It Requires:
No critical path - no detailed weekly as built data - no detailed logic - can be used by any junior planner - tested in adjudication.
Use for both – Work in Progress – Forensic Analysis.
All set out on 3 A4 pages.
Extract from a recent Adjudicators Award on my use of the Projected As Built Delay Analysis Method.
“Mr Testro considers that the baseline used by Mr. Delay Expert is not fit for use in the sort of impacted delay analysis used by Mr. Delay Expert whilst the As Planned v As Built methodology preferred by Mr. Testro, is a passive comparison not impacted by the flawed logic that may be implicit in an invalid or insufficiently sensitive baseline. He promotes as part of his preferred approach a common-sense review of the data.”
“Mr. Testro considers that Mr. Delay Expert has failed to make or made insufficient use of a common sense filter in his analysis. This has some merit in my view. It is for this and the other reasons set out above that the approach to the delay analysis adopted by Mr. Testro is in my decision on balance generally to be preferred to that adopted by Mr. Delay Expert.”
Download as an EBook from my website:
At £35.00 through Paypal.
At £15.00 per page it will be the most significant investment you have ever made in progressing your career in delay analysis.