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Float Ownership in LSTK/EPC Contracts

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User offline. Last seen 13 years 7 weeks ago. Offline
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Float Ownership / Lump sum Turnkey EPC Contracts
There are differing opinions regarding ownership of floats (i.e.: Activity Total Float or Path Float):
- Float belongs to the Project;
- Float belongs to the Contractor who programmes the work;
- Float is a commodity shared between the parties to the Contarct;
- ……………………………..

Majority of the standard forms are silent regarding float ownership.

In the absence of an expression or implied provision within the Contract, the usual practice is to adopt industry norms or standards set by Professional Organisations (PMI / AACEI / SCL / APM etc).

In my opinion majority of the standards are published with reference to traditional / re-measurable Contracts.

However in the case of LSTK/EPC Contracts, the risk profile of the Contractor is far greater compared to traditional forms of Contract.

1. Who owns the float in the Contract programme in a LSTK/EPC Project?
2. Are you aware of any Standards / Publications pertaining to float ownership in LSTK/EPC Projects?


User offline. Last seen 13 years 7 weeks ago. Offline
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It is more or less an established principle within building industry that the Contractor cannot claim extra time if the relevant event caused no critical delay to the final completion date (say for example a traditional Contract procured under FIDIC Red Book). Here the risk profile is more balanced between the Employer and the Contractor.

The scenario is different in the case of EPC LSTK Contracts.
Here the EPC Contractor takes full responsibility for the engineering, procurement, construction, commissioning and performance of the facility. The risk profile is not balanced between the Purchaser (Company) and the EPC Contractor. The Contractor carries far greater risk (schedule, budget, quality, performance, EHS..............)

If an employer culpable risk event occurs which results in wiping out 50% of the schedule flexibility, I am trying to think that the EPC Contractor has a right to claim for that lost flexibility so that he can regain his original risk profile or the risk profile that existed prior to the occurrence of the event.
Samer Zawaydeh
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Dear Mathew,

How did you conclude that the Contractor can claim for additional time if the final completion date didn’t change? And what is the importance of claiming the additional time, if the Contractor can get additional compensation for the extra work that they got.

Are you interested in claiming for Extra Time or in Compensation for the Extra work. If the delay event didn’t cause a real delay, why do you want to ask for extra time?

With kind regards,

User offline. Last seen 13 years 7 weeks ago. Offline
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Hi All,

My question is specific to EPC / LSTK Process Plant Contracts.

Because of the fact that the EPC Contractor’s risk profile is far greater compared to traditinal re-measurable contracts, is it logical to claim that the entire benifit of the float should be with the Contractor?

If the argument is accepted, then the difficulty is that he can claim additinal time for an excusable event, even if it is not causing critical slippage of the Turnover Date.

This is something which current industry Standards (SCL - Delay and Disruption Protocol or AACE Recommended Practice for Forensic Scheduling)does not accept; (ie. Contractor can claim EOT for an excusable event only if the event delays or likley to delay the final completion date).
Shah. HB
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Samer Zawaydeh
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Dear Mathew,

There are many disucssions on the float on PP. You can use the search option.

Also there are plenty of papers on the issue of Float. Hundreds actually. So you can do an internet google check and you will identify many.

Basically, the Program of Works is prepared by the Contractor. So the Ownership of the Program of Works is for the Contractor. If you are using FIDIC, then you will revert to section 8.3 which indicates that the Enginer shall review the Program of Works and submit their comments to the extent that the Program of Works doesn’t meet the CoC only.

With kind regards,
