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Interpretation of Updating a Contract Program

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Vijayasarthty S
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As a contractor am I entitled to change the links/logic to show the program a being in line with planned when i submit my prediodic progress reports. Can these changes be considered as updating/ statusing the program.

More elaborately. My contract pgm is SR01 and in my monthly update for the same program i.e MU01, can i change the links (to bring back the delay of about 15days that my contract program is showing) without getting apporval from my engineer and substantiate this as also being a type of if i am questioned at a later date?


Terry Barber
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Over time the programme will change due to things you didn’t include that you should have, clients instructions to carry extra works and other unforeseen circumstances. You need to read the contract conditions at to what you have to do to get the program pass the client but a programme is a live document. Look at it this way, something changes and you don’t change the program. You might as well just throw it in the bin as the programme does not reflect what you are doing. Make the changes and tell the client what they are, its up for approval so all he can do is reject it. Work with him to get it approved if not you could go a long time without an approved programme and that isn’t good in anybody’s book.
David Wallace
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Please clarify if we are discussing a programme that is pursuant to a clause in the contract (FIDIC Clause 14.1, for example) or a document which is specifically identified as a ’Contract Document’ and therefore prioritised in the Contract Documentation Clause of the Conditions of Contract (5.2?)

If the program is to be produced pursuant to Clause 14.1 then it IS NOT a Contract Programme, it does not require approval only ’Consent for Use’.

In this case you can update the programme in tems of progress, logic and delay and submit it in line with the report specification.

Don’t try to hash the programme though, only change the logic if it works, don’t delete it because it’s in the way, you’ll suffer later in the project.

Puneet Gupta
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If its a contract programme you can’t change any link without the Engineer’s approval.

But ofcourse in your monthly report you can modify it along with the comments on your changes.