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Clause 14 Programme and Progress Reporting

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Hassan Shareef
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Recently I met one who is working for Project Engineers on a Construction Programme in which the Main Contractor is has not produced the CL14 Programme and he is not willing nad does not feels necessaity to Produced Progress Report.
There are few factors one of them is that the particular Contract the Contractor has signed does not bind him or says directly to produced Progress Report (a week Contract.
aprt from Engineer there are designated (by client) Project Mangers on the Project and the Quantity Surveyors.

Is any Contractor is right he is not implimenting Progress Reporting or not him someone else should do that.

Have any faced any situation like that?
What Engineer should do in this case?


John Paden
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I also have a similar question in regards to the Clause 14 Programme by FIDIC. Is this also been mentioned in the PMBOK and where can I find it and what section is it under?

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How about the UK influence???

Anybody want to tell their story
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Actually, what happen here is that???

there are two line of thought here, the US influence and the UK influence

Basically, if the contract follows the FIDIC and US influence, clause 14.1 is the baseline. The baseline undergoes periodic update monthly or weekly. In the event that the periodic update shows delays, the client representative will invoke clause 14.2

clause 14.2 is revised programm showing recovery proposal to acheive contractual finish date.

However, this recovery proposal will undergo evaluation until approved, in the interim the baseline program will continue to be updated even though it showing delays.

This is one reason why two program will be submitted.

This is the way it should be done as per FIDIC and US influence planning and scheduling exercise.

The planning engineer undergoing in this environment should be proficient and expert because of the short notice to come up with reasonable recovery proposal.
Tarek Barham
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I do Agree with Mr. Charleston-Joseph Orbe

Professional report reflect the level of contractor profecincy .
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Hi Kier,

You’re an interesting planning engineer. or you are a planning engineer interested to know the way planning is done in the other side of the universe.

Anyway, I like that approach, or preference.

The first program, staight forward update, telling the client "here Mr. Client is our position because of events attributed by you (hide those events attibuted by your company, the projected completion date is now one year (to exxagerate) behind schedule.

And so Mr. Client since we are cute to you) we present our catch up (mitigation) schedule.

This should be the way planning exercise should be done. The mitigation plan should not be another piece of paper bullshiting the client that indeed, the schedule can be catch up.

Wait, we will hear from others their views, specially, the cost involved. How much will this mitigation will cost the contractor or the client??

What remedy can we get?? What philosophy will guide our actions, EOT protocol by SCL, PSP AACEI, PMI planning doctrine (not yet tested), etc., etc.,

kier legard
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In my previuos project we were required to submit 2 program an updated program called straight forward update --from baseline and no changes in logic and duration and showing delays and another one with changes in logic and duration showing the schedule catch up(mitigate)

Which should be submitted?


ashraf alawady
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as per clause 14 of the codition of contract the contractor has to submit to the engineer for consent a programm in such form and details as the engineer shall reasonably prescribe.
the main purpose of that program are:-
to monitor the progress of the works in weekly or bi weekly basis in order to know the actual status of the project and which activities are in delays and the delay period and the corectctive action will be taken to mitigate the impact of these delays -if any.
2- to asses and analyze the contarctor entitelements for any Extision of Time may wiil be submitted by the cintractors for any reasons out of his contractor and out of his contractual obligations.

I’m working with consultant side for more than twenty yearsi’m sure that that the contractor has to submit the updated progam periodically as requested by the engineer/client and the contractor will bear all the responsibilities for any consequances that may airs if he refuse to do that beacause the engineer/the client will be in darck and they can not contraol the progress which will prevent them to take the necessary corerective actions.
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Hi Olubukola,

Basically, contractors will bullshit the project management consultant in the event they smell stupid/idiotic project management consultant.

The issue at hand is regarding clause a4 programme and progress reporting which the contractor don’t want to do because it is not in the contract.

While it could be true, however, the fact that the contractor is involved with project, then it is mandatory for the contractor to prepare a program and update or make progress reporting.

Why is this so???? because of the very nature of PROJECT

Project needs planning, implementing, monitoring and control. Irrespective of the silent in the contract, the contractor has the obligation to prepare programm and progress reporting.

The contractor only had the guts to say "no need for program and progress reporting" it straight to the face of project management consultant because the contractor know the project management consultant are immature, not professional, etc.

It will not happen to me.

Successful Project Management Consultant
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Hi Olubukola,

TIA stand for Time Impact Analysis
EVM means Earned Value Management

The web got a lot of information regarding this subject. This is what internet for "information highway" express lane sky the limit.

So just go to google, type Time Impact Analysis or Earned Value Management" and you will get more than you ask from me.

Olubukola Fasoyin
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Hi charleson,

I presently work on Proj mgt side and would like to be ahead of the contractor. pls can you explain further on TIA and EVM if you have any material or sample spread sheet on these pls forward to me on
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I worked in the contractor side for more than twenty years. Presently, I’m working in the project management side. So preparing a baseline program with 50,000 ++ activities, cost and resource loaded, is piece of cake for me.

This is what I did and this is always what I should do.

I will prepare a baseline program, cost and resource loaded. I will prepare Progress S-curve for each trade, I will prepare an EVM (earned value management) report. I will do the best ever planning in my life.

I will present to the client my planning activites including delay analysis using TIA (for Time Impact Analysis). I will do this periodically, preferably weekly.

Believe me the client will start to wonder if they really hired the best contractor to do work for them. Eventually, the client will present my report to the contractor and will tell the contractor to stop bullshitting them and present a better report than mine.

I did this and I earned respect from the project as planning engineer although I worked in the project management side.

ALWAYS remember this in the event those who work in the project management side "SHOW TO THE CONTRACTOR YOUR STUFF, AND THEY WILL FOLLOW YOU" ALSO you will gain respect.

BUT, if you will act lousy or incompetent, the contractor will also act in a lousy way or in an incompetent way.

Successful Project Management Consultant