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Impact Analysis of Planned vs actual

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Timothy Jones
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Is there a best practice for Impact Analysis on schedules using the Org, Baseline vs the The actual delay imposed on the baseline.

Any case law references?


ashraf alawady
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production rates 1 have to use is teh same production rate for the same activity mentioned in the approved baseline program - if the same activity was available in that program

and if it was a new event and it’s actuvities were not valid in the approved baseline program , we have to use the reasonable and average daily production rate for a similar project in the surrounded regon.

- Data date for the updated program is the date of issuing the variation.

Good Luck
Faried Khan
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I am a bit new also to delay analysis and have just started my very first steps, and I can see your reply very comprehensive and professional, and would like to know more about that topic for example:
- When you convert a variation into activities and production rates, which production rates you should use, are they the same rates proposed originally by the Contractor and used for the base line programme? Or are they as per his actual progress?

- when you are using the bi-weekly updated programme, are you using the updated programme till the date of analyzing the variation or only till the date of the event (date of issuance of variation)?

I will appreciate your kind reply

ashraf alawady
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- use the approved base line progarm.
- you have to have the updated progaram in bi-weekly basis.
- study the delays events.
- see if there are any issued variations.
- in case any variation has been instructed offically by the cient ,convert this variation into activities, quantities,resenable production rates,.......etc.put all these activiyies withproper links and relations inthe approved base line program and run the program to get the impact of the variation.
- for the other delays events , create new activites for each delays events and put all these delays events on the latest up dated progarm and get the impact of the delays events on the updated program.