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Variation of Work and As Impacted schedule

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Puneet Gupta
User offline. Last seen 10 years 48 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 92

I have one doubt on Impacted schedule, let me start with an example.
I have a baseline schedule and to create an as impacted schedule i started putting delays on it because of law & order, variation of work & monsoon.
and each time i put a delay , i reschedule my prograame to see the impact , i also tried the same thing in excel using window analysis and also in Primavera, now the problem comes when few of my Vows are coming irregularly and not coming within the impacted duration, i mean say Early Finish of impacted activity is 10 day and Vows are coming on the 20th day, in between the 10 & 20 day there is no other delay,

what will be the best approach to repersent such scenario to compare my As-impacted and As-Built schedule.

I hope you all can guide me better.


User offline. Last seen 3 years 18 weeks ago. Offline
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Hi Gupta,

You have to treat each scenarios individually and incorporate into head of claims (related events that impacted on specific head of claims.

In the event that series of events continue to impact on the head of claims then what you are claiming is only interim EOT. You can also refer to the discussion "TIME AT LARGE". This is elaborated by Andrew.

Your claim may only escape you from paying liquidated damages due to continuing events that causes claims for EOT that can not be approprietely ascertain at this moment or there are still continuing events that make it imposible to finish the particular head of claims.


