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Celing Plaster above False Celing ( around walls also )

2 replies [Last post]
Puthenpurayil sug...
User offline. Last seen 17 years 23 weeks ago. Offline
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Dear Member,

One more quorry ... regarding the subject item..

If the False Celing is specified in Drawing/Specification is it necessarry to plaster the subject area ???

What is the difference between the terms of Structural celing/False celing..???

In a Lumsum Contract if it is not mentionened and the Client advise to delete the item in specified areas, is it applicable Contractually...???

In general is it necessary for doing the plaster in that area whether specifically needed false celing...?

Dear experts, please advise...!!!!


P.Sugathan ( )


Hilal Itani
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Dear all,

In a lump sum contract, the Contractor should during the biding stage requested information on this issue, if not indicated in the Specs and drawings.

In addition, should there is plaster above F.C., for which I believe there is not, I agree that the Employer has the right to omit part of the works. Nevertheless, the Employer may require time saving for deleting such item depending on the amount of works of the same

Hope that the above replies your querries.

Faried Khan
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Generally, in the areas where it is specified to have false ceiling, no need to have plaster for the ceiling above, only maybe 10 - 15 cm high along the wall cornice above the false ceiling level only for the appearance, but in rare cases it might be specified otherwise.

I guess I don’t have standard description for both kind of ceilings, but by definition I understand, the Structural ceiling has a structural function such as carrying dead and live loads of the structure, and the false ceiling it has mainly Architectural function.

I don’t understand, how it is not mentioned and the Contractor insists to carryout plaster for the ceiling and walls above the False ceiling level!!, anyhow in any case the Client would have the right to instruct omission of such plaster and the respective unit rate would be revised accordingly.

Anybody would have opposite opinion?
