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Interim Application or Final Account

8 replies [Last post]
Skan Bu
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My collegue & myself are working on a contract where we have been applying for interim payment every month.
We are approaching the completion of the project soon so we are planning ahead. These questions were asked & I would appreciate advise from all the experience/knowlegible PP members.

We always submit an application with a detail qty to the items in the BoQ & others items which we could not find in BoQ, we used similar rate or prorata.

The QS always had so far pay most and their system does not give a detail of his valuation but just a list of comment on items he deducted.

1) Could he adjust at FA & disagree to pay majority & claim not caried out?

2) When does FA start?

3) If Completion say is on 26/02/07, are we entitle to submit an interim application on 18/02/07?

4) How long we are allow to process the FA submission?

5) If he do not pay nor give notice on our interim application, after 2 months, could we assume that he agreed the whole and pay the whole?

6) How much detail he need to give on interim valuation?

7) If oneor two items tha is agreed in the early stage of the project, can he not agree at FA?

8) Business or professional ethic comes first? What can we do with those who practice unprofessionally?


Andrew Flowerdew
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JCT Lump sum (with or without quantities) - the interim accounts are just that, lumps of money agreed to be paid that are part of the overall lump sum price (as may be adjusted for variations etc) and mean very litle. The contractor applies for a payment in accordance with the payment agreed provisions, the Client pays on account what he believes is due in accorence with those same payment provisions. But, it is only an "on account" payment until you get to the final account.

If it is not a remeasurement contract then the only account that is important is the final account. In a remeasurement contract a contractor gets paid for what he has done in interim accounts and this is very different from an "on account" payment in a lump sum contract. Two very important and different concepts.

That said, whatever the contract type, to withhold money on an interim account a valid withholding notice must be given by the EMPLOYER. Not as is often the case, and mistakely so, the QS. HGCR Act says a withholding notice must be given by a party to the contract. The QS only puts together the interim valuation and advises the Client. It is the Clients who is the party to the contract and it is his job to decide to withhold money and issue a notice.

A valid notice must also contain the reasons why money is being withheld. Whilst interim accounts are ongoing there is nothing to stop a Client withholding money on the next interim account if he has not served a valid notice on the last. So if he hasn’t issued a valid notice, you complain and he should pay the full value of that interim account. But it only delays the withholding as on the next account the Client issues a valid notice and withholds the money - perfectly ligitimate as long as the resaon for withholding the money is also.

Agreement and payment of a item in a previous account will be helpful to a contractor if it is not paid in a later account or the final account but it is not conclusive proof that the contractor should be paid it.
Rodel Marasigan
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Hi Skan,

It’s better to consider legislation or court if you believed that you have a strong case or I prepare to consider the re-measurement to cover all the items not in BOQ which is not yet approved by the client. Although it is a tedious work but reasonable at the end. Here is a useful link I found on the web regarding HGCR Act.

Skan Bu
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5) "If he do not pay nor give notice on our interim application, after 2 months, could we assume that he agreed the whole and pay the whole?"


So if he:
Prelim £1000
Excavate for Foundation £500
Concrete,rebar & formwork £1000
Drainage £100
Brickwork 100

Total: £2700

That is a " Withholding notice" as per the HGR Act?
When we submitted a detail BoQ as our application.

I would have thought, that is his lazy valuation and he should detail his "witholding" reasons so we know what he disagree.

I think:
is definately not enough since we do not know what he value at all.

Too often, whether it be PQS or Main Contractor QS, they pay everything on account in interim but only to find that at FA, they disagree and not pay anything so the poor subby had already incurred the cost and paid the wages/sub subby etc. So find that they lost in the project at the end. If they know it is not going to be paid during the work, they have the opportunity to turn away those additional items and so not lost and go into administration.

I thought the HGR Act is to protect such cases but it is still practiced & no wonder so many subby go bankcrupt.

When are we going back to basic and ensure there is "TRUST & RESPECT". Business and Profit kill off the basic of work and be paid so we seems to be heading for a total meltdown society.
What can we do?
How can we correct this every decreasing circle?

Rodel Marasigan
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Hi Scan,

It looks like that your company engage on Lump sum unit rate contract. In this case you have to review your contract in regards to claims. Check the clause on claims, variation, progress claim, mode of payment and entitlement.

5) Not definitely agreed but you can gave them a notice and also address the late payment penalty claim. As I have mention, there is law and clearly define in Building and Construction Industry Payment Act which should be exercise to address this kind of issue. If notice has been given to the client and documented, it is a strong evidence when ends to legislation or court.

7) If the items agreed are documented and you have strong evidence then he could not change it on FA unless if clearly stated on your contract that final reconciliation or re-measurement should be exercise then the result of that will prevail.

8) On my experience documented notices with client representative confirmation of receive are strong evidence and end up teaching those people whose not practicing their profession properly when the battle ends. So I highly recommend sending them a letter / notices and addressing other things that not clear to you or required further clarifications. All of these are very useful which suppose to be a commercial manager and or project controls managers job.

Skan Bu
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Hi Richard & Rodel,

Thanks for the reply.

Before I progress any further, I must clarify that itis a JCT 98 with qty contract.

5) "If he do not pay nor give notice on our interim application, after 2 months, could we assume that he agreed the whole and pay the whole?"

Well, as stated before, for every interim we submitted so far, sometimes he give a simple list of heading with his valuation on the right, the total of that is what he certify. Sometimes there aren’t but just the total.
What we are concern is that he seems to be stringing us on and could simply not pay for a lot of the items at FA so leaving us well short of cash and paid our workers already.

So if he do give us his list and do not certify our interim application, after 2 months, could we assume that he had agreed. At college, it was taught the HG&R Act address "no withholding notice" so can we get him on his lack of action?

7)"If one or two items that is agreed in the early stage of the project, can he not agree at FA?"

The ietms at early stage of the project, we had submitted all relevant documents and he had agreed to pay those items. Could he go back on his words and at FA, refuse to pay or reduce the agreed figure?

8) We heard that he is a real character and had been well known for been a "b******". I was brought up to think those who had spent years obtaining a professional status should behave respectfully and if they abuse his status, what is the point of us gaining higher qualification and try to emulate them, we might as well be a hoddy & carry pistol from the start. Professional body must take immediate action against members who practice unethically seriouslly.
But then I suppose, where there is business, there are always crooks. Ethic or conducts come 2nd or not at all.

In this case, I think it is a lump sum contract and so only with AI, there could be variation or re measure?

Rodel Marasigan
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Hi Skan,

I agree with Richard. In addition:
1) Can you clear with me what form of contract so I can have a better picture on your situation? As Richard and I posted before they can add and omit the original BQ base on the final re-measurement or reconciliation defending on the form of contract. Usually for unit rate base, it requires a final re-measurement to quantify the actual quantities to be paid. For all the items that not included in BOQ a star rate should be submitted for approval and should be used on your claim. Same procedure on the variation claims. One good advantage of approved star rate, they cannot dispute it on the final claim.
2) Like Richard said, it should be the heading of claims submitted and interim payment can be submits until practical completion is not serve by the client.

Yap! Keep on going,

Skan Bu
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Hi all,

Thank you for all the feedback.

1) So if he had been paying for an item, whether it is originally in the BQ or a new item throughout all the interims, at FA he can disagree & not pay at all?

2) This is why I ask this question, How do I distinguish whether it is an Interim Application or a Final Account submission?
If we normally have to submit n 28th of every month & now this project is completing on 26/02/07. Can still submit an interim on 28/02/07 and so on every 28th until???

Will get back on the rest later!!

Rodel Marasigan
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Hi Skan,

You did not mention the type of contract your company bonded with the client.
If you are working on a unit rate contract, review your contract if final reconciliation are require including variation before issuing a FA.
If cost plus then all you need is to provide all the justification of actual cost to the project (Invoices, P/O, expenses...etc) plus overhead and profit as stated on condition of contract for your FA.
If lump sum then the changes only will be the approved variation omission or addition.

In regards to the timing submission of FA, check the condition of contract if you can submit before or after Practical completion certificate has been issue. A timing of response should also state on the clause. In absence of this clause, check on which year of Building and Construction Industry Payments Act covered and refer to these. Normal response is 7 to 10 business days or earlier as stated on the contract after submitting of progress claim a Payment Schedule should be issued by the client. If the client did not serve the Payment Schedule on the required date you can address to claim for late payment penalty on your invoice normally 9% of claim amount defends on which year of Building and Construction Payment Act covered. If still no action you can have a choice for adjudication or court. That should be exercise for every progress claim and not only on FA. The late payment penalty can always address to those who practice unprofessionally so they can speed their work and when it comes to adjudication or court which can suspend the work and an opportunity to late payment penalty.

Your claim should be presented according to your contract and further back-up may be required. The easiest to assess and understand the better as this will help to speed up the evaluation.

All interim payments agreed or not are possible to amend on the FA after the result of final reconciliation.

