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Asta Baseline Comparison (what demarcation is used?)

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Mike Milewski
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Hello All - I hope this question is scripted well enough to understand.

Simply put: Question - what demarcation does Asta PowerProject use to compare Baseline Tasks ? (I am on v14.0.3)

(Line #, Unique Task ID, Activity Name, something else ?)

The reason I ask is, I am an old-school P6 (P3 days to P6 v18). I was always adept at keeping the Activity ID and Activity Description/Task Name "pure" in P6 as the Activity ID Number what the unique demarcation  that variances are based on. I am quickly learning Asta Powerproject at my new employment. But I am unfamiliar what is the Asta Baseline Comparison function is based on.

Any coaching or help would be appreciated. In my past, I was doing the updating as well as new data entry for all projects. Now, with my new firm, the field teams do the progress / updating and schedule development. My role is more coaching and analyst for ongoing projects. Hence my question.


Hopefully the above makes sense and is a legit question. I understand the need to keep Original Baseline, to/through all Updates w further schedule detail development as "pure" and 'apples to apples' in alignment as possible. I just do not have an understanding of how our teams have been adding and re-configuiring existing schedules - as of yet.


Thx in Advance - Mike


Mike Milewski
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Hello Mike T - Many thanks for getting back to me. Very much appreciated. Your reply was/is very helpful, in short "do not worry" about it - LOL... Your coaching on the inability to merge new data into an original baseline is most helpful. That is essentially why I asked. I had (have a project) that was detailed with South Wing and North/East Wing contract schedule/dates.. Then several updates into the project, the team seperated out the North Wing and East Wing and the sch shows the East Bldg occuring "about" 6 weeks past the original (North/East) dates (manually comparing major activities). Knowing that the baseline is saved "embedded" regardless of WBS or UTID or Task Name tells me that the manual comparison I have done is the best mechanism to watch schedule 'movement' vs original from this point forward.

Have a great day and stay safe.

Mike Milewski

Mike Testro
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Hi Mike

When Asta creates a new baseline it simply freezes the target programme into a new file to undershadow any revisions in the original.

It is ideal for comparing As built with As planned.

You can revise the baseline file but it may not be possible to merge new data later on.

You can safely forget about UTID and all the rest because Asta software takes care of all that automatically.

You have probably realised by now that WBS system will write itself and your UTID can be changed at any time.

Welcome to the world of planning as it should be.

Best regards Mike Testro