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Spreading High Level Costs Over Multiple Activities

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Ben Jewell
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I'm not sure if this is possible (I've not come across it in other software) but I live in hope so I thought I'd ask people who are more knowledgable than I am with Asta....

What I would like to know is whether the following scenario is possible in Powerproject (and if so, how to do it):

I have all the cost information for the project that I am currently working on and, as expeted, the information relates only to the very high level programme.

If possible, what I would love to be able to do is set up a cost for a section of work (e.g. Steelwork), the value of which would be the total cost of all the steelwork activities, and then assign that cost to all individual steelwork activities within the programme and have the total cost spread across all of those activities.

It's not very scientific but the best way that I can spread the costs at present and if I can't do this I will just have to do the calculations manually.

If anyone could let me know if this is possible that would be great.

I'm not holding my breath but I am an optimist!


Ben Jewell
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Thanks Mike.

I was hoping to avoid using hammocks but looks like that will be the quickest and easiest way to go.


Mike Testro
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Hi Ben

Set up a hammock task for steelwork and add all the relevant steelwork tasks under the hammock.

Then put the hammock under a summary bar and add the steelwork costs to the summary.

Best regards

Mike Testro