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Asta and Iphone?

5 replies [Last post]
Craig Adams
User offline. Last seen 3 years 12 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 32

Hello Fellow devotees,

Can anyone show me / webinar demo of an Iphone being used to update tasks in an Asta schedue.

The web demo I have watched shows a couple of suits flicking through screens on an Ipad, please show me an Iphone can be used to update status!

Yours in faithfull anticipation,

Craig Adams


Ben Taunt
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Hi Craig,

I think the key point is that Site Progress has the option to function in any web browser.  In that mode, it has no dependancy on any particualr hardware, only on having a network connection.  So you could be updating on any web-enabled device, be that an iPhone, iPad, Android phone, Blackberry, Windows tablet, laptop with a 3G dongle etc etc...

Natively, iPhones have the capabilty to view Excel files - but not edit them.  However, if you visit the App Store you can choose any number of apps built to edit excel files.  They normally cost a couple of quid for one with sufficent functionality though there are also some free options which again require you to have network access.

If for any reason the local supplier can't immediately provide you with the information you need, they should contact us on your behalf.  If that fails, send us an email!

Good luck,

Ben @ Asta

Craig Adams
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OK, I'm a Dickhead,

Didn't scroll down and see Iphone video at bottom of screen!

Will contact local supplier and take up from here.


Craig Adams

Craig Adams
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Posts: 32

Thanks for your replies Mike and Ben,

Still to be convinced, as far as I'm aware Iphones don't run excel files and when I reviewed Asta's site Progress section I can't see any Iphone demonstrated functionality.

Fine to show a screen with Site Progress data being manilpulated, show me a video where someone is using an iphone and entering status.

Forget the rest of the functionality, if I can prove we can use an Iphone to update status (even if info comes back in excel file format and someone has to copy and paste) I'll be miles ahead and able to keep the supervisors in the field.

Help me to prove this capability and I'll get Asta in the door of a major Australian mining company!

I await proof of the theory!


Craig Adams

Ben Taunt
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Hi Craig,

Glad you like the marketing video..!  There is reality behind it though via several methods, some of which Mike has already pointed out:

1. Follow Mike's recommendation for creating a manual report outside of Asta software.

2. Explore our 'Site Progress' module.  Not sure on Mike's definition of 'expensive' but it provides the perfect interface for someone like a site manager to record progress against Asta Powerproject tasks.  There are two versions - the web-based one suits iPhones best.  Search our website for Site Progress to learn more.

3. If you move to our 'Multi-user' or Enterprise level implementation, where you store your project data on a central server rather than locally, then you unlock the potential to use our 'Web Access' component.  You can use this to show the same progress entry tables that you might have set up within Asta Powerproject but these are instead displayed through any web browser - thus not requiring any client-side software (apps etc). 

Where are you based Craig?  If its within the UK, do email us directly to set up a demo of these capabilities.  Otherwise, your regional distributor should be able to help.

Best wishes,

Ben @ Asta

Mike Testro
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Hi Craig

There is an Asta application that will acces the link between iphone and Asta programmes it is expensive and works best in Task per Line mode..

However if your iphone has a spreadsheet then download the programme tasks before you go to the site and have a column for % complete.

Walk round the site and enter the percentages of work done.

Then email the sheet to the office and your assistant can update your programme by copy paste to PowerProject.

Better still give your site manager the iphone and let him do it.

Best regards

Mike Testro