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Baselines and learning more about how Asta Works

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Craig Adams
User offline. Last seen 13 years 1 week ago. Offline
Joined: 11 Oct 2006
Posts: 71
Hello Fellow Planners,

Anyone can explain how baselines work in Asta, in MSP I often saved subsequent versions of files and they always kept the baseline records.

Am getting impression that because Asta saves a baselines in separate files - if you then move around your current file or save latest version of it with new file name, it can lose the reference to the baseline file.

Are there any books or training material that explain the architecture of Asta and how it works.

Am finding the help files a little cryptic and could use some better explanations of how things work.

Kind Regards,

Craig Adams


Andrew Willard
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Posts: 35
Hi Mike,

11.02 has this new feature which I think goes some way to resolving your wish I think. You can get 11.02 for the support section of

Save baselines using a relative path to maintain the link between project and baseline when they are copied to a different folder
When you create a baseline, a link is established between the baseline and the project from which it was baselined so that the baseline can be located when you open it from within the project. During the baseline creation process, you can now choose to save baselines into the same folder as the project by entering a filename for the baseline and not specifying a path. If you do this, you can copy the project and its baselines to another folder subsequently without the link between them being lost.


Mike Testro
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Hi Andrew

On my wish list is the facility to embed baselines - just like borders in v 10.

I always save baselines in the same file as the main programme.

Best regards

Mike Testro
Andrew Willard
User offline. Last seen 12 years 19 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 9 Dec 2009
Posts: 35
Hi Craig,

When you go to enterprise all the baselines are saved in the once database so there will be no prblems there.

In the standalone version you are correct a separate file is created. If you copy the project somwhere else you need to copy the baseline as well. When you have copied it, you can go into format bar chart, reference the baseline and you can find it.
