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Anyone using Powerproject Enterprise

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Craig Adams
User offline. Last seen 13 years 14 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 71
Hello All,

Can any users of Asta Powerproject Enterprise let me know their opinion of the product. HAd a demo yeaterday and all looks good, would like to hear experience on how long deployment took and issues faced by people using it.

I posted a simmilar question on MSP Enterprise and have not had one reply as yet, I take it the only people promoting this are those trying to sell it!

Kind rewgards,



Rafael Davila
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When an out-of-sequence event happens in order for the computer to continue with the calculations must assume one of the possible solutions, this is done by all software, but should not hide the occurrence of the out-of-sequence as there are many possible solutions, of which the best known are "progress override" and “retained logic”.

As far as I remember when I tried Asta Power Project Demo this functionality would split the out-of-sequence activity and would modify logic as to solve the issue, a solution not necessarily correct. I believeit goes as far as removing predecessors of first split. Automating the solution for out-of-sequence is wrong; you are telling the computer that in the future when an out-of-sequence event happen the correct and only solution will be to by using the "Link around Completed Tasks" option, it is absurd, Asta Development is wrong with this option being automatic. In addition such a solution will hide the event in such way you might not even know this happened and that was perhaps wrongly by-passed.


When removing out-of-sequence progress, the Project Manager should be involved in the changes made since it will require logic changes. In many cases the schedule can be adjusted to satisfy the out-of-sequence work through the use of a finish to finish (FF) relationship with a proper lag, to be determined by the Project Manager. Alternatively an additional schedule activity can be added that divides the activity into two parts. In the example above, ‘Excavate Footings’ could become two separate activities, one a predecessor to the start of concrete placement. This will remove the out-of-sequence progress and bring the schedule back into compliance with a specification that demands no out-of-sequence progress, and most importantly this will retain the actual schedule logic intent to better reflect reality. There are other ways to handle the out-of-sequence progress, but these methods seems to be the most preferred within the industry.

... "and most importantly this will retain the actual schedule logic intent to better reflect reality" is not always the case, assuming is always the case is wrong.


... "Out of sequence progress can be made to automatically delete relationships. An interesting point to be made here is that a change in any of these above rules might not even be noticeable on the update that the change was made. The effects of a change might only be noticeable months after the change, when it is now too late to object to it. " Here we call it cheating.

When you update a schedule it is usually a contractual requirement you disclose your changes of logic especially those related to out-of-sequence. How are you going to report on these changes if your own software does it automatically and you do not even notice? Remember not everyone has software to do proper file comparison that will disclose changes in logic. As a matter of fact many CPM reviewers do not independently check on schedule changes to pinpoint un-notified occurrences, I would call this negligence in the performance of their duties.

Best regards,
Mike Testro
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Hi Rafael

PowerProject has a very useful "Delete and Link Around" function where you remove tasks and the logic is retained.

This can be set up to automate if one task is completed ahead of schedule by using the "Link Around Completed Tasks" option.

I have used this within a filter when a complete category of tasks were not needed - it also works on summary bars but it is wise to save before using as it has crashed the programme once or twice.

Since I only use FS links I do not know if it works with SS FF lead lags - but then why should I bother.

Best regards

Mike Testro
Rafael Davila
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From SureTrak Manual:

To remove an activity from a project, you can delete it or dissolve it. Deleting removes the activities and its relationships to other activities. Dissolving an activity joins the activity’s predecessors and successors before the activity is removed, preserving schedule logic.

I don’t know how Poerproject handles deletions nor if dissolve functionality is available, don’t even know if Spider does have such functionality but it won’t do any harm to investigate.

Best regards,
Matthew Edwards
User offline. Last seen 2 years 41 weeks ago. Offline
Hi Mike

As a reseller in Ireland, we have a few presentations for APPE if you are interested which have been set-up for other APPE clients of ours.


Matthew Edwards
Mike Testro
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Hi Craig

I was tasked with creating a series of templates that covered all road maintenance eventualities over a three year roll out.

The three template sections were:

1. Lead in tasks for consultation - design - traffic mamagement etc
2. Maintenance work - about 25 different forms in 6 different calendars.
3. Close down - final account - archive etc.

The section managers would then Pick-n-Mix among the templates to suit any particular scheme.

It is essential that:

1. You leave a lead out milestone and a lead in milestone at the end and beginning of each template so that they can be selected and linked easily.

2. Ensure that every eventuality is in each template - even if it may not be needed - it is easier to use the delete and link around function than to try to add new tasks.

Having set up their programmes from the templates the managers task is to enter progress every week.

My input at this point is to set up the rolling report date and vertical drop line and chase up when tasks are late.

There is no need for a Master Schedule as each project is set up in its own right.

You can have the projects set up under zones or mamagement resource headings.

It is just like using v10 but sharing it out under controlled cover - in fact Enterprise is only a simple network bolt on to the main software.

When I handed the working system over it was 93,000 tasks and 23 meg - and PowerProject just ate it up and begged for more.

I have not seen any training manuals as such but the embedded help section is excellent.

Why not get a 30day trial download on v10 before buying.

One more point - I have been using PowerPoint for over 20 years and I have only got round to using about 25% of its full potential.

Best regards

Mike Testro
Craig Adams
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If you have any sample schedules would love to have a look if you would care to share.

(Sorry Craig - the work was strictly copyright to my employers and I did not keep a stand alone copy.)


Craig Adams
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Hello Mike,

How did you set up, were you the one creating all the schedules for everyone to use then they just status progress via online access? You then work out what reports are required and you control that part of the process?

In this case I’m to make a couple of template schedules for our Project Managers to use and write standards for them to follow, then they are supposed to develop their own schedules with my help for their various projects.

Not sure how this is going to work as I believe best way to work with PP Enterprise is to have the one master schedule then sub schedules within that one, is that what you did?

Am desperately trying to get myself up to speed using PP, am going to buy my own so I use it for the extra contract work I do.

Have you seen any training material on using Enterprise PP?


Mike Testro
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Hi Craig

I used PP Enterprise recently when setting up a programme for Suffolk County Council road maintenance operations.

The only problem with deployment was our own IT service getting the server ready and getting secure access to a system called Citrix which they cocked up completely.

I had the system set up long before we could go live.

There were 40 users sharing 10 licences and it worked quite seamlessly.

With enterprise you can set up "User Views" which allows you to personalise the usage by restricting veiwing to those projects that are the users responsibilty.

Setting up Access Rights - or the Fiddle factor as I called it is again simple to do.

The personalised support desk was excellent and responsive.

Otherwise it is exactly the same as using v10 - Powerproject will not upgrade you to v11 yet.

One thing to remember is that when you have set up a View then lock it.

Best regards

Mike Testro