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How to set up+update the weekly progress S-curves

43 replies [Last post]
Stewart Green
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Having gone through the learning pains! (and because I keep forgetting how to do it from project to project!) I’ve written a simple instruction-sheet / memory-jogger for the setting up and maintaining of the weekly progress S-curves.
If interested, please just email, and I’ll send it over


Gary Whitehead
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If you want the file from Stewart please send him a private message with your email address, rather than posting here.


Thread locked.

Mohamed Riyas
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I am now using Asta Power Project recently and could you please send me a copy as well?

My email address -




Martin Gomez
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Hi Stewart,

 It wouls be really helpful if you could email me a copy please. my e mail is

Rory Hoban
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Can you please send me a email is

what system are you using?


Imran Rana
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Plz send me the copy to


Imran Rana

richu rose
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Hi Stewart,

Can you e-mail me instruction-sheet / memory-jogger for the setting up and maintaining of the weekly progress S-curves.

Mazura Maarof
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hi stewart,

I would like to have a copy too.. kindly send to

Thanks in advance:-)

Amriya Amriya
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Hi Stewart!

Im interested!!! :) Please send me a copy...

Thanks Much!



ucen alkaff
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Can I pl have a copy of REFERENCE PLANNING FOR EPC PIPELINE PROJECTS in primavera P6 on E-mail

Nanding D.
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Can you please send me a email is




Anthony Mocke
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I would like a copy please mate.


My email is



hayder dhansay
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I would like a copy.

please forward to


Khaleel Mohammad
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i would appreciate a copy please:

Steve Ogley
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hi Stewart,

I’d like a copy if possible , EMAIL at

thanks in advance


Mike Testro
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Hi All

Setting up S curves is just one module in Planning Academy tuition set Advanced Planning for Builders


to discover more.

Best regards

Mike Testro

Mehmet Erkam Gür...
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May I have a copy please,


Thanks in advance!

Craig Adams
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Would like a copy, please send to

Praju Satish
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Pls send me a copy too..
Mohamed Hegab
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can you send it to me as we to
Nokhez Akhtar
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Hi Everybody,

I am new in this group & would like to have copy of the same.

Those who have these steps, pls mail to the following address
Stephen Magill
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dunno if you were talking about robins stuff or my stuff bonnie but ive sent you progress expert 2 and the instruction pdf as well.

any bother feel free to email me.

Bonnie McGrew
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I could really use this too. Can you email it to me at
Stephen Magill
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all the stuff should be on its way to you.


sorry i didnt get notification of ur last post. what size is the file when zipped?

i would really appreciate it.

Radhakrishnan Nair
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Hi All

Recently joined the group. Even being an old thread, would like to have a copy of the same.

Those who have these steps, pls mail to the following address

Robbin Duke
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Hi Stephen,

Did you have any joy using Asta? The new update looks a bit well.. complicated. I have set up an excel based S-Curve, which providing you use Unique ID and Vlookups it will generate a more company friendly presentation. It is a large file if you have any suggestions where to post for download, I would be happy to send.


Stephen Magill
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do you want the original asta instructions? i dont know if they are still available from the asta website. i have them here as a pdf if you want.

Speaking to asta about the s-curve macro, they said the new version is about to be released so hopefully it will have a new set of instructions and be a touch more user friendly.

Theres also a much needed bit of information regarding the .pet and .bak files that if ur having problems with s-curves, may help. if you need me to explain, let me know.
Karen Pender
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Hi guys did anyone get the instructions for setting up S- Curves?

Could I get a copy please?
Salahuddin Ahmed
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Please send me copy of weekly "S" curve.



Stephen Magill
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If anyone else has it, could they forward it on? I dont think stewart has been in in a while. i tried emailing him directly but still havnt got a response.

ive went back to the asta instructions which are, to be fair, absolute nonsense.
Cherie S Blare
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Can you send a copy to

Eva Bristow
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I’d be grateful if you can send me a copy at

Thanks a lot,

Muhammad Zeeshan ...
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hi can i get the weekly progress of s-curves.whoever got it please send it to me on
Stephen Magill
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Hi Stuart,

i know it was a wee while ago you posted but hopefully you still have that step by step guide. asta have taken the link down allowing you to download the presentations and the course i went to provided me with a booklet but i left it with my old company when i changed jobs. could you send a copy to

would be much appreciated, i too have the problem of forgeting how to do it from project to project

David Bordoli
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Hi Mike

I just went to Asta’s web site
then chose News & events from the top menu and on the right-hand side, half way up/down the page is a link to PRESENTATION DOWNLOADS.

Good luck

Stewart Green
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Hello Mike - please sned me your email address so I can attach the sheets

Mike Duce
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I would like to see this as I attended the forum late and missed this particualr talk

however can’t seem to link to this

and can’t see access to it on asta’s web site

can you help
David Bordoli
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Sorry about the dumb formatting, the second link should be:
David Bordoli
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Hi all

At the recent AstaPowerproject National User Forum (22 December, Richard Ormerod gave a presentation: Managing Progress and S Curves in Asta Powerproject.

Details of most of the presentations are on-line at Forum Details and Richards slides are at’>S-Curves. You can also down load an example (see the first link).


Keyel Isorena
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ei guys. it’ll be much appreciated if you’ll send me a copy as well. thanx in advance.
ruben quintal
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Mike Duce
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I would be grateful if you would send me a copy

I will send an e-mail to the address you have given

Many thanks


Stewart Green
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Hello Alan

Please could you email me at and I can send direct to your address as an attachment

alan burns
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I’d like a copy if possible?

