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Baseline dates problems

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Huzzle McNeive
User offline. Last seen 11 years 49 weeks ago. Offline
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Hi All!

I am having troubles with the dates on my new baseline. I have updated my current project and I wanted this as my new baseline. When I assign my current project as my new baseline, the dates on Baseline start and Baseline finish columns are different from the actuals. Please can anybody help me with this?


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Huzzle / Paul,

Check the link below:


Rodel Marasigan
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Thanks for the information and I always using that function but doesn’t solve the problem because it still follow the old logic from the baseline and will still show slippage. The only way is to change the planned date with current date and don’t run the schedule (F9). That will give exact replica of current schedule and save as a baseline. Meaning original duration will change and follow the current duration which will not the same if "Budgeted Value with current date" is used.
Paul Silver
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Huzzle and Rodel,

There is a simpler way of overcoming this problem. In Admin Preferences under the Earned Value Tab, the Earned Value Calculation default is "Budgeted values with planned dates".

If you have the necessary authority, change this to the "Budgeted values with current dates" option. If you don’t have the authority you will need to discuss this with your system administrator. When you have made the change, copy your current project and assign it as a baseline and the dates will be aligned (as you would expect).

I hope this is of some assistance.

Paul Silver

Huzzle McNeive
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Thanks a million Rodel
Rodel Marasigan
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