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Target vs. Update program

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Basel Al-Jazzar
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Hi every body ... i have a question and i hope that i can get answers.

I got the approval for the target construction schedule from the consultant and when i wanted to submit the first update i had to squeese the duration of one activity. Do i need to consider this update as a revised target program and obatin new approval or i can proceed with it as an update ? noting that the relashions have not been changed .


Naveen Paladugu
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Once the target schedule gets approved by consultant, it becomes the baseline. Target schedule is prepared as per contract conditions, consultant/client requirements. Once this is done the contractor,in general, prepares another schedule (can be more detailed) which suits their company's systems. I feel, this programme is what a planner will update on weekly basis. As this one does not need any approval from consultant, you can go on re-plan/re-baseline to depict original progress. 

when it comes to monthly submission to consultant, approved programme will be updated and status will be reported to consultant based on the detailed programme. 

Evaristus Ujam
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  Hi Basel,   Squeezing in the duration of one activity should not warant you to go about asking for a new approval if and only if this activity whose duration you have altered is not on the critical path. If it is, then am afraid you may have to seek for a new approval as you may be altering the overall predictable time at which the project will be completed. What makes you seek for a new approval is not the size of the modification on the schedule, but the impact this will have on the approved completion time of the project. Any adverse impact will warrant a new approval, no matter how tiny the duration you squeezed in may be.  Hope this answers your question.  
müjdat özacar
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hi sirs,



is there any way to assign a target project to my current project..bacause i deleted my target project ..

very urgent..,


many thanks

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Target is revised when the Consultant feels that there is a sequence change, in other word, suppose a target programme for a residential compound, the target programme was in sequence such as, completing Area 1m then Area 2, etc..., for certain reasons

However, during construction the contractor changed his sequence dut to some limitation or something, for example he had to start with Area 2, and he strated Area 4 also in the same time, hence, turing the target progrtamme usless for comparision, for sure the you will still can monitor the overall progress as a planned quantity of work, however, the work is performing out of the target sequence, here the consultant has the power to requste for a revised programme, despite any time extentions.

Hope thats help
Basel Al-Jazzar
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The reason behind submitting a revised schedule is when we exercise a negative float that can not be overcome in the next update OR when the sequence of work is to be changed in a way that requires a revision. But incase of a claim, we should go back to the original approved target and feed it with all the changes either led to a delay or not.
Aneesuddin Zubair...
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Hi Walied,

When a target is revised didn’t the contractor get advantage incase of extension of time to contract!!!!!

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As far as i am coneren, the sequence and estimates of coming works are the responsibility of the contractor
as long as the completion date will be met. (Unless the COntract addresses otherwise).

Also, the float consuming is to who use it first, in another word, the foat services the first to come.

Accordingly, the Contractor can replan his work in the way he find situable with informing to the consultant, but he can never change the target or it will be uncontractual act.

However, if the Consultant in his opinoin found that the COntractor is not following the approved target, the Consultant can request the Contractor to revise his plan and resubmit another target, but he can not force the Contractor to follow the first target, again unless the Contract says another thing.

From my experince as a consultant, changing the duration of the ucomiong activitires is not requering submitting revised programme, because it is well know that nothing is going as planned, the plan is just a baseline to compare with not to folow restrictly, also, i would say that i do not ask for a revised programme unless the changes in sequence is very obvious and excessive in a way that makes the approved target useless.

I hope thats help.
Daison Garvasis P...
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It seems you cant live without changing the duration of that particular activity. So to me it looks to be an Important Change. You call it revision or update, you would be better off getting the concurrence from client.
Ronald Winter
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P3 just ‘links’ the Target Schedule to the Update by looking at the name of the Target Schedule. If you change your Target Schedule, this will have no effect upon the Target Schedule of the reviewer. (I am presuming that the reviewer keeps a copy of your earlier schedule.)

Your change to the Update Schedule will be noticeable to the reviewer, as he or she will have an unaltered Target Schedule. If you were to submit both your new Update Schedule and revised Target Schedule and if the reviewer were foolish enough to overwrite the original Target Schedule with the new one, then your change would not be noticeable to the casual observer.

I question why you would want to revise your Target Schedule in the first place. Revise the silly planned duration of one activity during your update and move on! Life is too short and construction too chaotic to focus on this one little change. If you are behind schedule, then catch-up. Good luck!
X Planner
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Dear Basel,
I believe that most of the consultant ask for the target and the update to be submitted on a monthly basis thats for a similar situations like order to verify the target and consequently the update using claim digger or any similiar software that will spot and highlight the changes between the submitted programs.

Basel Al-Jazzar
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Ronald, thanx for your contribution.
If you are talking about ethics of works then you will be absolutely right. I’m talking here about technicalities. For the update to run on a PC, the target schedule should be loaded first. So, if i change the target on my PC with very unnoticable change and then make the update; will this update work on the consultant’s PC with the old target?
Ronald Winter
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Yes, an updated estimate of a future duration based upon a better understanding of the work could be considered an update and not a revision.

Let’s go back to your original statement, that you "had to squeeze a duration." Are you actually anticipating a duration change (for the better) or are you "just trying to make the schedule fit?" If the later, then you are falsifying your estimates and probably hurting your position.

Are you late due to your own efforts or the causes of others? If you need to make-up time because your program is running late, then just say so. “We are running late and I anticipate a little acceleration of our work to catch up.” There is nothing wrong with this. Contracts that forbid you to show that you are late are a relic of the past (or have I mis-spoke?)

Coordinate any planned acceleration with your Supervisor first before putting it into the schedule. Don’t "just make the schedule fit;" that is not why you are scheduling. Good luck!
Basel Al-Jazzar
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In the contract it is clear that no revision applied to the approved target construction schedule wihtout prior approval. But, shall i consider changing the duration of 2 or 3 activities only a revision ?!
Ronald Winter
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STEP 1: What does the contract say about your situation?
Stuart Ness
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In all fairness, it is probably unnecessary for you to obtain approval of your target program once again. Getting schedule approval is a bit like losing your virginity; once its done, its done!! After that, everything else is just a change in position!

Hope this helps,

X Planner
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i think u r not allowed to modify the target program by anyway , as long as u got the consultants approval on it..