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PROJECT ADMINISTRATOR, ODG PNG Limited, ANGAU Hospital Redelopment Project

START Date: 
May, 2018
  • Project setup initialization kicks start, project and document controls, and procedures, project calendars for meetings, deliveries and major milestones.
  • Preparation of level 2 schedules and schedule basis memorandum, 30 day look ahead schedules.
  • Coordinate with site team to capture daily and weekly targets and discuss deliverables with problem areas/issues to deliver as per budgets hours required.
  • Preparation of O&M and Training Manuals
  • Documetn controls for ODG and Aconex
  • Productivity reports<
Experience Hours (Planning & Scheduling): 
Experience Hours (Cost Management): 
Experience Hours (Forensic Analysis): 

Project Manager, PDI-Sheetz Construction, Chesapeake Bay Bridge repairs, MTA bridge repairs, SHA road and bridge repairs

START Date: 
October, 1995
END Date: 
March, 1999

Project Manager and Scheduler for Contractor for transportation projects, including Roadways, Bridges and Rail construction.

Primavera Project Scheduler, Chicago Bridge & Iron, Coal Fired Power Plant

START Date: 
May, 2015
END Date: 
October, 2015

May 2015 – October 2015      Four Corners Power Plant (APS), Fruitland, NM

                                    Primavera Overhaul Scheduler (May 27, 2015 – October 29, 2015)

Hired by Chicago Bridge & Iron to build a P6 Project at Four Corners Power Plant for their Unit 5 Major 2016 Overhaul.

Experience Hours (Planning & Scheduling): 

Estimator/Planner-Scheduler, Custom Metal Fabricators, Industrial Pipe, Tanks API-650

START Date: 
October, 2012

Estimating Structural and Industrial Pipe Packages. Scheduling shop activities and delivery schedules.

Also perfoming Scheduling (as the only professional Planner/Scheduler with this company) for the Tank and Vessel department.

Experience Hours (Planning & Scheduling): 
Experience Hours (Cost Management): 
Experience Hours (Forensic Analysis): 

Project Control Engineer, BOHÓRQUEZ INGENIERÍA LTDA., Various

START Date: 
October, 1991
END Date: 
September, 2006

BOHÓRQUEZ INGENIERÍA LTDA. - Engineering consulting company

Project Controls Engineer / Quality Assurance Coordinator

scheduler, perk associates, agcp

START Date: 
June, 2013

contractor schedule oversightcontractor schedule oversightcontractor schedule oversightcontractor schedule oversightcontractor schedule oversight

Consultant and Project Controls, ENFASE, Enfase jobs

START Date: 
January, 2008

Project controls, Primavewra implementation consultant and trainer for Enfase. Working to portuguese AEC companies on EMEA works.,

Senior Planning Engineer & Cost Controller, CH2M HILL, Project Control for Doha Metro

START Date: 
March, 2009
END Date: 
August, 2012

Senior Planning Engineer and project controls for the company creating evms templates and reports.

Construction Analyst/Project Scheduler, Saudi Aramco - Al Hugayet Est., Manifa Core Hydrocarbon Facilities & Cogeneration

START Date: 
April, 2011
  • Reviewed and commented on contractor’s monthly interim payment for IK construction, IK Materials and OOK Material.
  • Provided schedule input for MPU (Monthly Progress Update) & BISR (Budget Item Summary Report) for building works, civil works, electrical works, instrument works, insulation works, mechanical works, painting works, pre-commissioning works, special lining works and telecommunication work.
  • Prepared and updated Construction Progress Tracking and generated additional reports for Senior Project Engineers and Project Manager’s information and usage.
  • C

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