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Planning of Manufacture

Tender support manager, Alstom Power, Conventional Island for nuclear plant tenders

START Date: 
March, 2007
END Date: 
August, 2008
Tender scheduling, on relation with group manufacture and sourcing Tender support

Planning for Manufacture and Installation of Precast Concrete Building Panels, Techrete IRL, Dundrum Town Centre, Grand Canal Hotel, Parkwest, Sepncer Dock

START Date: 
January, 2005
END Date: 
March, 2006

My main responsibility was to set up the planning system for Techrete operations based on a multi project, parallel progress manner. The company was very good at their core business “manufacturing concrete cladding panels”. They wanted to implement a project management culture on the long run and needed to establlish a project planning system to start/reflect that. The system that I have implemented consisted of coordinating the design, manufacture and site work stages of business, enabling the efficient flow of information.

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