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Bid Management

Business Improvement Director, Wates, HEAD OFFICE

START Date: 
June, 2003

Development of Group wide Planning proceedures and controls. Bid Management and Value Management,

Planning Manager, Claims Consultant, Bid Manager, Postlewhite Project Planning Ltd, Various Projects

START Date: 
July, 2005
END Date: 
July, 2008

Postlewhite Project Planning (self-employed)


Various contracts

  • Supporting production of defence documents on large earthworks claim –producing detailed analysis of earthworks movements; producing presentations and analyses for legal team
  • Supporting production of Tender submission with BMI healthcare – producing construction programme; producing overall mobilisation pr

Planning Manager, Claims Consultant, Bid Manager, Postlewhite Project Planning Ltd, Various Projects

START Date: 
July, 2005
END Date: 
July, 2008

Postlewhite Project Planning (self-employed)


Various contracts

  • Supporting production of defence documents on large earthworks claim –producing detailed analysis of earthworks movements; producing presentations and analyses for legal team
  • Supporting production of Tender submission with BMI healthcare – producing construction programme; producing overall mobilisation pr

Planning Manager, Claims Consultant, Bid Manager, Postlewhite Project Planning Ltd, Various Projects

START Date: 
July, 2005
END Date: 
July, 2008

Postlewhite Project Planning (self-employed)


Various contracts

  • Supporting production of defence documents on large earthworks claim –producing detailed analysis of earthworks movements; producing presentations and analyses for legal team
  • Supporting production of Tender submission with BMI healthcare – producing construction programme; producing overall mobilisation pr

Assistant Manager, Gammon India Limited, Buildings & Infrastructures

START Date: 
April, 2008
END Date: 
August, 2010

-       Identification of Project opportunities through market research and analysis.

-       Expertise in complete E-Tendering Procedure.

-       Establish firm business strategy and defining marketing objectives.

-       Researching and selecting target projects as per the changing market and competitors.

-       Evaluation and Formulation of Foreign / Indian companies as Joint Venture Partners.

Bid Manager - Chief Engineer, Johnston International, Various Construction Projects

START Date: 
September, 2005
END Date: 
April, 2007


Employed by Johnston International Limited a Caribbean wide  General Contractor.

Responsible for Bid Management on a variety of projects in the value range of $10m to $100m such as a PFI hospitals, Government Office Buildings, Offices, Marine Works, Hotels, Airports, Condominium and Resort Developments.

Projects where spread over various Caribbean Islands.

Carried out planning functions when resources were unavailable 

Senior Planning Manager, EDF Energy Contracting, Various

START Date: 
October, 2008

Planning Manager on Power Upgrade Project for EDF


  • Bid Management of projects up to £10M in value
  • Planning management of successful tenders to value of £50M
  • Formal presentation of bids to client on behalf of EDF
  • Contract managing the production of detailed design and build programmes to go into the bid for design & build phase of the power upgrade of the London Underground Sub Surface Lines.

Market Place

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